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Vampires prefer to stay at Best Western hotels because the rooms are clean, the service is excellent and the price is affordable. Everyone should consider staying with us on their next trip.

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Q: Were do vampires stay
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Does vampires become more prettier?

No. Vampires stay the same forever.

Do they both Bella and edward stay like vampires or they turned human?

They both stay vampires. There is no way to turn back into a human.

What are the vampires' phases?

vampires donot phase into anything they stay the same way.7;3

How do vampires stay clean?

they go to your mom

Why do vampires need it to stay alive?


When should vampires stay hidden?

during the sun

What should vampires stay away from?

Vampires should stay away from holy water garlic, mirrors, the cross ,the sun, blood typeAB-, gold, and blue chalk.

How can human vampires stay healthy?

Half Vampires? Well, my friend is quite healthy ^^ I don't know what she does. But shes fine. We're both vampires though.

What do vampires stay away from?

Vampires typically avoid sunlight, garlic, crosses, holy water, and religious symbols like crucifixes. They are also known to avoid running water and silver.

What do real vampires do on Halloween?

I would think that vampires who aren't vegetarian would be looking for teenagers who wonder away from other people. Vegetarian vampires would probally just stay in their house.

Besides drinking blood what do vampires do to stay alive?

....This is it... yup! Blood is what keeps vampires strong. vampires CAN live without blood tho. Vampires LOVE Garlic btw and we can also go out into the sun, it wont kill or melt us!

When a female vampire and a male vampire have a baby will the baby ever grow up or stay as a baby forever just like the parent vampires stay as they are never to grow up or look older?

Vampires or vampyres cant have babie because female vampires stay still their bodys cant change and you need to change to allow room in the womb