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You find it caught on the fence of the farmer's brother.

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Q: Were do you find the fur of the cupacabra on cryptids island?
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What do you do after you show mews the fur on cryptids island?

Run the fur through the DNA analysis, but you find that it is only coyote fur. You will have to go back to Puerto Rico to find more evidence.

How do you identify the chupacabra fur on cryptids island?

You get the fur from a fence in Puerto Rico. Back at the lab, you run a DNA test, but it turns out to be ordinary coyote fur.

How do you get the fur from the fence on cryptids island?

At the herder's brother's house (right side star), there is fur on the fence at the chicken coop. You simply take it.

How do you get the yeti fur on cryptids island?

You don't. The only fur is the possible chupacabra fur on the fence at Puerto Rico. All you get from your trip to the Himalayas is a lantern and a photo of a footprint in the snow.

Where do you get the unidentified fur on Cryptids island?

In Puerto Rico, deliver some feed to the farmer's brother (right side star). There is some fur on the fence at the chicken coop.

Where is all of the real evidence on cryptids island?

The proof is at each of the locations, but there is some less-than-convincing evidence. You get a photo of Nessie at Loch Ness that is faked, and another one that is a movie prop. But you finally get a real photo. You find some fur on your first visit to Puerto Rico that turns out to be coyote fur, but you return to trap the chupacabra. You find a footprint in the snow in the Himalayas that is unconvincing, but when the three other cryptids are proven, you get to hunt for Bigfoot instead.

Where do you find the fur sample on cryptids island?

Drive the jeep to the herder's brother's farm (right side star on the map). The fur is on the fence to the left of the chicken coop. (Although you also need the bolt cutters from the upper left star, you must eventually take the fur back for DNA testing before you can finish Puerto Rico.)

How do you get the sheep on cryptids island?

There do not appear to be any sheep anywhere on Cryptids Island. There are many goats at the Puerto Rico location, and part of the plan to catch the chupacabra involves using them as bait. After first testing the fur from the barbed wire fence, return to Puerto Rico to use the jeep to corral the three spotted goats at Snaggletooth Rock.

How do you get the fur from the chupacabra on Cryptids island?

On your first trip to Puerto Rico, drive the jeep to the house of the herder's brother (right side star). He says some fur on the fence is from the chupacabra. Take it back to run a DNA test, but it turns out to be from a wild dog.

Where is the coyote fur on cryptids island?

On your first trip to Puerto Rico, drive the jeep to the other locations. At the upper left, there are Bolt Cutters on the top of the hill. At the right side star, the brother's farm, he says some fur on his fence may be from the chupacabra. Take the fur back to Mews for testing.

What color do you get if you mix the beaker with lab gel on cryptids island?

During the DNA testing on Cryptids Island, you will add the sample (fur or egg shells) to a beaker, then before add an enzyme (the red #3). Before putting this mixture into the tray, you add Lab Gel, which is yellow in color, to the tray. When you add the orange sample beaker, the tray also turns orange.

Where do you find the chupacabra tooth on cryptids island?

On your first visit to Puerto Rico, you find some fur that turns out to be a dog's fur. On your second trip, the farmer is out to capture the chupacabra. You will find him at Snaggletooth Rock in the center of the map. Use your jeep to herd 3 of the spotted goats into the area (as bait), then join the farmer at the rock. He has a crate set up to trap the creature, but it escapes, and fortunately loses a tooth for you to bring back to Mews.