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It wasn't so much learning but the structure of society. When Rome fell in 410 AD with them went the framework of government, protection from an army, the civil servants who made sure the roads were kept up and the engineers who built the buildings. Society was in chaos and it was every person for themselves. Villages and farms were raided and people killed and one reason feudalism took hold was that it provided a means of protection. When people revert to a society where they are trying to survive learning to read and write takes a back seat. The Catholic church and the feudal lords also promoted superstition compared to science. Ignorant people are easier to control than educated people.

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Q: Were most learnings lost because of the barbarians in the middle ages?
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Was most learning lost in the middle ages because of the barbarians?

yes it was.

What were people called in the middle ages who were not civilized?

They were called the barbarians.

Why were the barbarians important?

The barbarians were the ones who defeated Rome and started the middle ages, ( see also the renisannce).

Why it called the Middle Ages?

This because it comes between ancient and modern civilization.

What did barbarians do in the middle ages?

Groups of barbarians were responsible for a long series of raids into Europe. Included in these were everyone from Atilla the Hun to Germanic tribes and the Vikings.

Which group of barbarians threatened western Europe from the north during the early middle ages?

Of course the Vikings

Who were barbarians in middle age?

The barbarians were the Germanic tribes and the Vikings. Some combined to create the Visigoths. The word "barbarian" is Greek for "the stranger." They invaded the Roman Empire making it fail and created the world we call the "middle or dark ages."

What did Rome represent in the Middle Ages?

Rome didn't exist in the middle ages. It fell in 410 AD and because of it the middle ages started.

Why was the Middle Ages called the Middle Ages?

Because they are in-between the modern times and the ancient times.

Why was the Middle Ages known as barbaric?

"Barbaric" is a term that has been romanticised to infer the primitive and brutal nature of life and warfare during the Middle Ages (ca. 5th to 15th centuries) The term can also relate the the loosely coined "Barbarians", which was given to tribes and people outside the Roman Empire prior to the onset of the Middle Ages. As the rapid expansion of the Roman Empire and the influx of foreigners (i.e. barbarians) into the Roman lands were responsible for the demise of the the Empire, it could be another reason why the Middle Ages are labelled as 'barbaric'. It is however, not appropriate to label the entire Middle Ages period as barbaric as there very many discoveries and occurrences during this time that were very civilised and eminent and far from the stereotypical and contemporary definition of barbaric.

Why was armor important for the Middle Ages?

itw as important because in the middle ages there was lots of war and violence

Why was cottages so smokey in the middle ages?

because they used wood smoke as a deorderant in the middle ages