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Sadly, they were. They were either just murdered, or put into concentration camps with other Jews and people who were "different" according to the Nazis/Hitler. It was terrible.

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Q: Were non-Jews punished for interacting with Jews in the Holocaust?
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Did nonJews celebrate Passover?

Passover is usually only celebrated by Jews

Were Jews punished for talking to Nazi's during the Holocaust?

yes, if they spoke without permission

How were the Jews punished during the Holocaust?

Over 6 million of them were gassed then their bodies were burnt in ovens.

What happened to non Jews who were helping Jewish people during the Holocaust?

they were punished or were killed. none who helped the Jews were just left alone.

When did the holocross happen?

it is not the holocross it is the holocaust. it happened in world war 2 when 6 million Jews were punished also known as the Shoah

Who was punished in the Holocaust?

Jewish People , Colored people , homosexuals , people with different views on the government and people that help hide The Jews during WW2

Were Jews in the Holocaust considered civilians?

The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

Would you have Jews in the Holocaust?

there would not have been the Holocaust without the Jews.

In the Holocaust what did Jews get killed for doing?

In the Holocaust Jews were killed simply for being Jews, in fact simply for existing.

Why did the holocaust aimed at jews?

The Holocaust is the name we give to the German attempted genocide of the Jews.

The Holocaust was the Nazi's mass murder of who?

The Nazis killed mainly Jews in the holocaust but also people who were 'feeble minded', 'crippled', and even POWs.

Who were parted of the holocaust?

The German's were part of the Holocaust and so was Poland also the Jews were Ha Jews