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Yes because they thought it brought them bad luck.

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Q: Were people in the past afraid of eclipses?
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What did the people of the past think eclipses were?

The Greeks thought is was a chariot of the gods...

What did people of the past think solar eclipses were?

The Greeks thought is was a chariot of the gods...

What is the past tense of afraid?

Afraid is used with the verb "to be," therefore, it does not have a past tense. In order to used afraid in the past tense, use the past version of the verb "to be" as in: Michael Jackson was afraid.

Were total eclipses or annular eclipses more common in the distant past?

In the very distant past, the Moon's orbit was closer to Earth than it is now, and the Moon continues to VERY SLOWLY recede in its orbit. So it is likely (although I have not seen any calculations to bear this out) that in the distant past there would have been fewer annular eclipses and more total eclipses. However, there was nobody around to notice.

Lunar and solar eclipses cannot be predicted with any accuracy?

False. Lunar and solar eclipses can be calculated with PINPOINT accuracy for thousands of years into the past or future.

Why do most people think that lunar eclipses occur more often then a solar eclipses?

Because for any given point on Earth, lunar eclipses are visible more often than solar eclipses.

Why were some people in the past frightened by eclipses?

In the past when people did not understand astronomy , when the sun was blotted out in an eclipse they thought that the world was coming to an end . simply because, the sun was being blacked out. Day would turn to night, without the knowledge we have now that would be very frighting

What type of eclipse was scary to ancient people?

Ancient people were afraid of eclipses because they thought a dragon or other animal was eating the sun. In some cultures, people also believed that an eclipse signaled diseases such as smallpox.

What did people think elcipses were?

People thought eclipses were the start of the end

Is Scrooge afraid of the ghost of christmas past?

Not the ghost but the visions of his own past

What are the kinds of eclipses?

On earth there are 2 eclipses, Lunar and Solar eclipses

What did the Egyptians of the past think eclipses were?

that it was either gometric or heliocentric, the Indians are split between both