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Q: Were prisoners of war held in auschvitz?
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What POW camps where there in Galveston during World War 2 how many POWs what nationality?

There was one prisoner of war camp in Galveston, Texas during World War II. It was the Wallace camp and it held German prisoners of war. It held an average of 3,000 to 4,000 prisoners.

How many years did the Prisoners of war held in Japan?

i think about 8 or 10 years

What is someone held captive during a war called?

A soldier who is held captive by the enemy is called a prisoner of war. Sometimes both sides make an agreement to release their prisoners.

What happened if men were captured by the enemy in world war 2?

They were held as prisoners of war. What that entailed depended upon the "enemy" who caught them. In Britain we often made prisoners of war work, but on the whole we treated them fairly well. In Japan many prisoners were treated extremely badly and were frequently tortured.

Can i get names of people caught by Italy in World War 2?

"Caught"? Do you mean Prisoners of War? Do you mean British POWs held in Italy?

How many confederate prisoners of war were there during the civil war?

Thousands. One place built by the confederacy held 10thousand prisoners at once. Multiple union forts each held on average about 100 prisoners. Same for the confederates. If I was to pick a square number, it would be around 150,000. Hope this helps!!

What was part of president Nixons pan of peace with honor?

an exchange of prisoners of war in North Vietnam

Where in the Colosseum did they hold the animals and prisoners?

Both animals and prisoners were held in underground pens.

Were people tortured during World War 1?

Some people were indeed tortured during World War 1. These people were typically prisoners of war that were held captive for ransom and incentives.

What measures were taken when the allies dealt with war crimes that violated provisions of the Geneva Convention?

The Allies held trials against Japanese citizens who brutally mistreated prisoners at war.

Why didn't prisoners of war have allegiance to Rome?

Prisoners of war were enslaved. They were the sources of slaves in antiquity.

How did Prisoners of war Post get to their families during World War 2 without the planes or ships being destroyed?

Generally it was transported to & fro (In Europe at least) by the Red Cross. This applies to British & US forces. The Red Cross did much to ensure the safety and survival of hundreds & thousands of prisoners. There is then a vast contrast between on one hand the treatment of German & Italian prisoners held by the Allies & the Russian prisoners of the Nazis and the German prisoners of the Russians & similarly the Japanese Allied prisoners: The conditions were appalling. There were very few Japanese prisoners: Surrender wasn't an option.