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Yes, the American Colonists were justified in resisting the English king's new laws because they believed these laws violated their rights as English subjects, such as taxation without representation. The colonists felt that their lack of representation in the British Parliament meant that they had no say in the laws being imposed on them.

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Q: Were the American Colonists justified in their resistance to the English king's new laws and why?
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I live in a colony that uses slaves on its rice plantations. many English settlers and slaves came here from barbados in the Caribbean. where do i live?

Based on the information provided, you likely live in the American colony of South Carolina. South Carolina was originally settled by English colonists from Barbados who brought along African slaves to work on rice plantations.

How did the English colonists profit from the slaves trade?

English colonists profited from the slave trade by purchasing enslaved Africans at lower prices and selling them at higher prices in the Americas. They also exploited the labor of enslaved individuals to work on plantations, which generated substantial profits from agricultural goods like sugar, tobacco, and cotton. Additionally, colonists benefited from the economic expansion and development that resulted from the thriving slave trade industry.

Why the Indians helped Mary Rowlandson to escape?

The Indians helped Mary Rowlandson escape because they may have viewed her as a valuable bargaining chip to exchange for money or goods from the English colonists. Additionally, they may have wanted to establish goodwill with the colonists to potentially secure future alliances or benefits.

Why did English colonists adopt slavery?

English colonists adopted slavery in order to meet the labor demands of their profitable industries, such as tobacco and sugar plantations. They saw enslaved Africans as a cheap and abundant source of labor that would help them maximize profits in their colonies. Additionally, they used racist ideologies to justify the enslavement of Africans and perpetuate the system.

What were schools like in Japanese internment?

Schools in Japanese internment camps were often makeshift facilities, with limited resources and overcrowded classrooms. The curriculum was typically basic and focused on assimilation, teaching English and American history while suppressing Japanese culture and language. Despite these challenges, many teachers and students tried to maintain a sense of normalcy and education as a form of resistance against their unjust confinement.

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What are the effects of the Glorious Revolution in England?

The bloodless change in power, from James II to William influenced the colonists to use the English Bill of Rights and the Toleration Act to create the American Bill of Rights. At the time, however, it justified the colonists to revolt against Governor-General Andros.

Who was the king of England when American colonist declared their independence?

American colonists' declared their independence in1776. The English King at the time was George III.

Why American colonists have the rights of Englishmen?

The American colonists were entitled to the rights of englishmen because they were an English colony. The abridgment of those rights was the cause of the revolutionary war.

Why did the American colonists have rights of englishmen?

The American colonists were entitled to the rights of englishmen because they were an English colony. The abridgment of those rights was the cause of the revolutionary war.

How did colonists oppose new British taxes?

By active resistance such as the Boston Tea Party, boycotting English products and by smuggling.

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trey is cool and trey is smart

What were the political ramifications of the surging population growth in the American colonies?

The ratio of American colonists to English subjects dramatically declined.

What were the stereotypes the English and American colonists had about each other during the French and Indian war?


WHAT The most harmonious relations between English colonists and Native American Indians were found in?


Are patriots and loyalists English colonists?

patriots are American, but loyalists are English because they thought they were loyal to king george the third in England.

What contributions did he English make to the development of American government?

About 48% of the colonists were English, so they made considerable contributions to the development of the government.

British name for people in the English colonies on the north American mainland?

Prior to and during the American Revolution, the name typically used by the British to denote the colonists on the North American continent was in fact 'American.' The term was not positive, as it was intended as yet one more way of distinguishing the colonists as different from (and lesser than) full British citizens. The colonists themselves were often disinclined to use the term to describe themselves given its disparaging meaning at the time.