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Educationally it wasn't good, Hitler's Youth took a lot of their energy and time away from their school work, the teachers often complained about this. Physically it improved them, the German Nazi's had a very strong philosophy that the true Aryan race had to be strong to be able to be good German men and women. The girls were taught to be good mothers, strong physically, and had to learn the Nazi ideology; the boys were trained up to be soldiers, including being taught how to use grenades, guns, build trenches, etc.
This can be considered good if you look at the way that Hitler was planning on using these boys, at least they were trained to be in war rather then shoved into the front line without any training just to be 'cannon fodder'.

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Q: Were the Hitler youth groups and nazi schools good for the German youth?
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What were the 2 youth group of the nazi party?

The Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) was divided into two groups : Deutsches Jungvolk) (German Young Folk) and Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM, the League of German Girls) .

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Hitler Youth was the youth wing of Nazi Party that recruited German boys aged 14 to 18. These boys were trained to be future military officers and leaders. Hitler Youth ran many academies which worked on lines of preparatory schools and provided boarding a lodging to the members. At its peak, Hitler Youth had over 8 million members.

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The Nazi Youth Movement was called the Hitler Youth (in German die Hitlerjugend).

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By the age of 10, little boys joined Hitler Youth or Hitler Jugend.

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By the 1930s six out of ten young german people had joined the hitler youth.

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The four organisations were the German Young People (Deutsches Jungvolk), the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend), the League of Young Girls (Jungmadelbund) and the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Madel). Boys joined the German Young People from the age of 10 until they were 14 when they joined the Hitler Youth. The girls joined the League of Young Girls at the age of 10 and at the age of 14 joined the League of German Girls.

How did the Hitler Youth grow?

Hitler banned other youth parties/organisations and ensured throughout the German school system there was phyiscal and verbal pressure to join from fellow peers.

What did German schools do to brainwash students?

They made children learn songs praising Adolf Hitler, fed them propaganda at every moment, gave them special books and assignments. Then after all this they gave the children the option to join the Hitler Youth group, which faught harder than any German regulars unit.

Did girls belong in hitlers youth?

No, only boys were involved in the Hitler Youth. Girls belonged tothe League of German Maidens.

Why was youth in nazi Germany significant?

The Hitler youth was important to the third riech because, the people in the hitler youth would be future Nazi SS soldiers,so it was important to train them to be benefitial to germany during the war

How old was the Hitler youth?

Hitler Youth fell when Hitler fell.