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Yes. I consider them to be a major part of our history because they were the ones that managed to successfully fly across the ocean. They started what I think should be called an "Air" or "Aironautic" revolution.

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Q: Were the Wright Brothers part of the history of the US?
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What effect did the wright brothers airplane have on the US?

no great effect but with the start of ww21 the us govt. became more instrested in aeroplanes and rest is history....

Why did the Wright brothers fly over the US?

The Wright brothers did not fly over the US. Almost all of their flying was done at Kitty Hawk or Huffman Prairie.

Where did the Wright brothers travel?

Do what the rest of us do. Wikipedia it

What country were the Wright brothers from?

The US, Ohio precisely.

Why do the wright brothers inspire us?

They built the first plane.

Were the Wright brothers part of the military?

No, they just invented the first airplane, and then later the US Military saw potential for the contraption in times of war.

What year did the first aeroplane flight by the wright brothers in US?

That was in 1903

What was the first military aircraft?

The US Army bought their first aicraft from the Wright Brothers and it was called the Wright Flyer. The first aircraft casualty was an Army officer who was flying with one of the Wright brothers when he crashed.

Which US state featured the wright brothers first flight?

North carolina

Who built the first airplanes for the united states army?

The Wright brothers Wright model A was the US Army's first aircraft in 1908.

Was roosevelt the first president to ride on a airplane?

Theodore Roosevelt was the first US President to ride in an airplane. It was a Wright Brothers flyer.

How much did the US government pay for the wright brothers plane?

They disd not pay anything.