

Wright Brothers

Orville and Wilbur Wright are credited with inventing the first manned airplane. On December 17, 1903, they made the first successful flight in the outer banks of North Carolina.

1,435 Questions

Did Wilbur wright get his two front teeth knocked out?

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Yes, Wilbur Wright had his two front teeth knocked out in a childhood accident.

What was the name of the wright brothers' cat?

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The Wright brothers had a cat named Otis; named after a brother who had died in infancy.

Between the birth of Wilbur (1867) and Orville (1871), their mother had twins Otis and Ida in 1870; but the twins died in infancy.

What was the eye color of Orville wright?

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Orville Wright had blue eyes.

Why did Wilbur have trouble sleeping that night?

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Wilbur had trouble sleeping that night because he was worried and anxious about an important presentation he had to give the next day. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the presentation, making it difficult for him to relax and fall asleep.

What did the Wright brothers do on December 17 1903?

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On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers successfully flew the first powered aircraft at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. This event marked a significant milestone in aviation history and paved the way for the development of modern aircraft.

What did the Wright Brothers accomplish?

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The Wright Brothers were the first to successfully achieve controlled, powered flight in a heavier-than-air aircraft. On December 17, 1903, they flew their plane, the Wright Flyer, near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, for 12 seconds, covering 120 feet. Their achievement marked a significant milestone in the history of aviation.

Orville and Wilbur Wright are best known in what field?

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Orville and Wilbur Wright are best known for their pioneering work in aviation. They successfully built and flew the first powered, sustained, and controlled airplane in 1903.

How much did Wilbur wright weigh?

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Wilbur Wright weighed about 140 pounds (63.5 kilograms).

Why did the Wright Brothers move their experiments to North Carolina?

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The Wright Brothers moved their experiments to North Carolina, specifically Kitty Hawk, because it offered strong and consistent winds that were ideal for testing their flying machine. The sandy terrain also provided a softer landing surface compared to the hard ground in Ohio. Additionally, the area provided a level of isolation and privacy needed to conduct their experiments without interference.

What kinds of difficulties did the Wright brothers encounter during these trials?

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The Wright brothers faced challenges such as controlling the aircraft's stability and balance, inadequate engine power, and unreliable propeller designs. They also struggled with mastering takeoff and landing techniques due to limited understanding of aerodynamics at the time. Additionally, adverse weather conditions and financial constraints posed further obstacles during their trials.

Why did the weight brothers choose kill devil hills to test their plane?

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The Wright brothers chose Kill Devil Hills for their plane testing because of its consistent winds, sandy terrain for soft landings, and privacy to conduct their experiments without interference. These conditions provided an ideal environment for them to perfect their flying machine.

Why did the wright brothers build their own wind tunnel?

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The Wright brothers built their own wind tunnel to test and refine the aerodynamics of their aircraft designs. By simulating different wind conditions on scale models, they were able to gather data on lift, drag, and stability which helped them improve the design of their airplanes. This enabled them to better understand the forces acting on their aircraft and make more informed design decisions.

Which of these does not accurately describe the Wright brothers first airplane?

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it had wings that flapped similat to birds wings

What does wrights vapouriser fluid contain?

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Wrights vapouriser fluid typically contains a mixture of deodorized kerosene or mineral spirits, which are designed to be safely evaporated in a vaporizer unit to release a pleasant scent. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using vaporizer fluids to ensure safe and effective use.

What discoveries did the Wright brothers made?

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The Wright brothers made the first successful powered airplane flight in 1903. Their invention demonstrated controlled flight by an aircraft with a pilot on board, pioneering the field of aviation. They also developed key innovations in aerodynamics that are still used in aircraft design today.

Why was Wilbur so worried at the fair?

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Wilbur was worried at the fair because he was facing the possibility of being sold and separated from his friend Charlotte the spider. He was also nervous about competing in the pig contest and unsure if he would win.

Did the wright brothers even have the four forces in the wright glider?

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Yes, the Wright glider experienced the four forces of flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. These forces are necessary for any aircraft to achieve controlled flight. The Wright brothers' understanding and manipulation of these forces were crucial in their development of powered flight.

What made the Wright brothers invent?

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The Wright brothers were compelled to invent the first successful powered aircraft due to their interest in aviation and a desire to achieve manned flight. They were motivated by the challenge of overcoming the existing limitations of flight technology and believed that they could make a significant contribution to aeronautical engineering.

How did Orville and Wilbur Wright's airplane work?

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The Wright brothers' airplane worked by generating lift from the wings as the plane moved forward through the air. The control system allowed the pilot to maneuver the plane using the elevator, rudder, and wing warping. The engine provided the necessary thrust for takeoff and sustained flight.

How old was Wilbur wright in 1903?

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Wilbur Wright was 36 years old in 1903.

Is this wright he bowed gleefully yes or no?

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It seems there may be a typo in your question. If you are asking whether the person you mentioned bowed gleefully, the answer would be yes or no depending on the actual action.

What was the wright brothers wind tunnel used for?

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The Wright brothers' wind tunnel was used to study the effects of air flow on different wing shapes and designs. They used it to test and optimize their aircraft designs in order to improve lift and control during flight. This experimentation ultimately contributed to the success of their first powered flight in 1903.

What coin did the wright brothers flip?

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The Wright brothers flipped a French franc coin to decide who would pilot their first successful flight in 1903. Orville won the toss and made history by flying the Wright Flyer.

What challenges did the Wright Brothers have to overcome?

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The Wright Brothers faced challenges such as developing an efficient wing design for lift, creating a lightweight but powerful engine, and mastering the control of their aircraft in flight. They also had to tackle issues related to stability and control to achieve sustained controlled flight.