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There is no such thing as "original races". Race refers to the grouping of humans based on physical and social traits. Which races are identified as meaningful categories for any given time period varies, and depends on many non-biological influences. In recent years (since 1980s maybe?), forensic anthropologists and police have used three general categories of race, the three you mentioned, but grouping all humans into one of these three categories is not very accurate, is often not meaningful from a forensics viewpoint, and certainly means nothing about their evolutionary history. Depending who you ask at any given point in history or today, there are anywhere between 0 and 200 "races". It's all based on how you define the term race. Since gene flow has been occurring constantly since humans first evolved (i.e., all humans today are the same species), there is no reason to think that any groupings that were meaningful in the past still exist today - populations interbreed (gene flow) so that any lines you draw between groups are always going to be arbitrary.

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Q: Were the first three original races Mongoloid Negroid and Caucasoid or am i mistaken?
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Are the natives of America mongoloids?

Under that racial classification, yes, at least most of them are. Native Americans descended from somewhere around the Altai mountains. Altai people are Mongoloids. The Arctic Americans are neo-Mongoloid, and are recent arrivals from Asia. However, it may not be a good idea to classify people based on Mongoloid/Australoid/Negroid/Caucasoid/Capoid, as the system is arguably outdated.

Top 3 ethnic groups?

There are thousands of ethnic groups. Search Wikipedia, it can lead to some good sources on ethnic groups. The only "3 peoples" idea I can think of is the 19th century anthropological idea of "Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid" races of humanity.

What race is south Asians?

To understand the raciality of South Asians, one must be aware of the caste & social stratification in the South Asia region, especially India. Race in South Asia varies from one individual to another depending on their respective castes. For the most part, "race in India" is related to caste, and has little to do with one's linguistic affiliation. The three major linguistic families in India are Indo-Aryan, Dravidian & Sino-Tibetan. And the major racial catgories include Caucasoid, Australoid, Negroid & Mongoloid. However, these race oriented terminologies are only used by anthropologists & genealogists, and not by the government since there are many multiracial castes. Race mixing has been happening in India since the vedic times. Race, ethnicity & lingo are contiguous & consistently related to one another in the case of Europeans, and other Caucasians living in the new world. However it is not the case in the other parts of the world, and among other communities. For example, one can't classify black african-americans to be Caucasian just because they speak the Indo-European "English language" today. INDIA: In Northern India, all members of the three upper/forward castes, namely brahmins (priestly class), kshatriyas (warrior/aristocratic class) & Vaishyas (traders) are mostly Caucasoid/Caucasian with very little Australoid inbreeding. Among them, brahmins are likely to be the most Caucasoid followed by the warrior class and so on. Some of these members, especially brahmins, are likely to be almost entirely Caucasoid. Members of the other/sub-ordinate castes belonging to the "backward, most backward, scheduled & tribal castes" are likely to be more Australoid than Caucasoid. While North India is linguistically Indo-Aryan, "race" varies based on caste. Similarly, though members of the southern part of the country are speakers of dravidian languages, raciality varies from one group to another depending on their castes. In Southern India, members of almost all castes (other than brahmins) are mostly Australoid. The brahmins in Southern India are Caucasoid/Caucasian like the North Indian priestly community, and are of the Vedic Aryan heritage, who are believed to have settled in South over a period of time. Brahmins of south India, namely Iyengars, Iyers, Madvas, Niyogi, etc are ancestral North Indians who emigrated to south fearing for their lives during the first Mughal/Islamic invasion. Other south indians belonging to the various other castes are for the most part Australoid. Hence individuals of both racial types and multiracials could be found among both regions & linguistic families. For example, the Turkish people of Turkey are ethno-linguistically "Altaic" just like their central asian counterparts in Turkmenistan, Kazhakstan & the others. However, the people of Turkey are originally Anatolians who are racially related to the Greeks. The people of Turkey are not really Turks but are rather classified as "Turkized people" who have adopted the cultural, religious & linguistic identities of the Central Asians Turks, but are racially Caucasian. Similarly the Ethiopans & Somalians are Afro-Asiatic speaking people like the middle-easterners, however they're racially not alike. Both of them are rather black who are related to the other Eastern, Central & southern africans. Additionally, social adaptation to climatic conditions in India have caused considerable changes in the physical traits, so that a Caucasoid may sometimes look different from the mainstream Caucasoids of Europe due to climatic exposure, and not necessarily out of race mixing. Negroid types in India are mostly found among the Andamanese tribes of the "Andaman & Nicobar Islands", while North-East Indians (escpecially the Sino-Tibetan speakers) are Mongoloid who are related to the East-Asians(Chinese, Tibetans, etc). PAKISTAN: The PAKISTANI gene pool is for the most part derived from Caucasoid-Indian & Australoid-Indian along with sizable components of Caucasoid-Iranian, Arab & Turko-Mongol genes. In PAKISTAN, the Pashtuns/Pathans who are ethnic Afghans are more Caucasoid than the other populations. The caste system is similar to that of India's, and hence the raciality of most of their population could be determined in the same way as is done in India's case. BANGLADESH: Bangladeshis are ethnic Bengalis like their Indian counterparts, however not racially. Most Banglas and/or Bengalis who converted to islam were of the lower caste stratification who eventually formed the sovereign country of Bangladesh. Hence most Bengalis of Bangladesh are mostly Australoid like the lower caste Indian Bengals, while the upper caste Bengals of West Bengal, India are mostly Caucasoid. SRI LANKA: The two major linguistic groups are sinhalese & tamil. The sinhalese people are descendants of lower caste Indians from West Bengal & Orissa, most of whom converted to Buddhism and settled in the island. Hence the sinhalese are mostly Australoid, although they speak the Indo-Aryan language of sinhala. The tamils emigrated in two batches, the first batch of immigration purportedly dating 1000 years back while the second was during the British Raj, about 150 years ago. Since these people were mostly from the lowermost castes, Sri Lankan tamils are almost entirely Australoid, racially. Additionally, according to genetic studies, Lankan tamils are closely related to Sinhalese Lankans, and are genetically far from Indian tamilians of any caste. The other prominent communities in the island are the Burghers, Moors & veddah. Burghers are anglo-lankans, while Moors are Arabs who arrived at the island as traders and eventually got settled there. The Veddahs are seen as an indigenous tribe who are racially related to both Negroids & Australoids.

Who were the Nubians in The Bible?

They were NubianAnswer:By the Greek and Romans, they were called 'Aethiopia.' By the Hebrews they were 'Cush' or Cushites living in the lands south of Egypt referred to as Ethiopia. They had 'burnt faces' and were not part of the Negroid peoples but where Hamitic. Moses' wife was a Cushite (see Numbers 12:1)

Is rapper TI half Native American?

yes, by blood and by law We were already here before any African or Europeans or Mongoloid came.. The Mongoloids are the only ones who can claim native because they were here before Europeans but they can't say that they are indigenous only the American negro aka "Black" aka misnomer "African American". You see those white people(you) on the Indian reservation (agencies) the so called natives on the agencies are mixed with our Negro ancestors, some with Asians and some with European and some of them are just straight Europeans or just straight Asians. Only the (misnomered) "Negro" looking straight haired Indians descend from us…Or share our blood. Which is why DNA test report us sharing blood with them, and it doesn't mean we have their blood in us, it's the other way around. So, when dealing with 23andMe, who only uses 1 (yes only 1) north American mixed-mongoloid/aboriginal tribe to compare us to, which are the Pima, says we have up to 2% (some cases higher) of"Native-American" blood. Its the biggest hoax out when you base "Native-American" ancestry on being from one tribe, and a mix tribe at that. The oldest indigenous people are Negroid, the mongoloid population they sample for "native Americans" are not the ancestors of 'black" Americans. I am not talking about Africans. People think negro means African, but negro does not mean Africans. We are not African.And no we didn't come from Africa because of some stupid out of Africa theory which is a theory - a poor theory. check out African American aint African Facebook. 1828 definition of American facebook

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What is the scientific term for black people?

"Black people" is an appropriate and respectful term to refer to individuals of African descent. It is important to use language that is inclusive and respectful when discussing race and ethnicity.

Are Chinese people black or white?

No, neither. Chinese come from the much earlier Mongols, and are thus Mongoloid. Black people are negroid, and white/arabic/persian people are Caucasoid, wrongly called, "White".

Are the natives of America mongoloids?

Under that racial classification, yes, at least most of them are. Native Americans descended from somewhere around the Altai mountains. Altai people are Mongoloids. The Arctic Americans are neo-Mongoloid, and are recent arrivals from Asia. However, it may not be a good idea to classify people based on Mongoloid/Australoid/Negroid/Caucasoid/Capoid, as the system is arguably outdated.

Name the three racial stocks of the world?

The three main racial stocks of the world are Caucasoid (white), Mongoloid (Asian), and Negroid (African). These categories are broad and oversimplify the complex variations in human populations across the globe.

Top 3 ethnic groups?

There are thousands of ethnic groups. Search Wikipedia, it can lead to some good sources on ethnic groups. The only "3 peoples" idea I can think of is the 19th century anthropological idea of "Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid" races of humanity.

Are Hispanics white?

Hispanic is an ethnicity that can encompass people of various racial backgrounds, including white, Black, Indigenous, and others. While many Hispanics can be white, being Hispanic is primarily about cultural or ancestral ties to Spanish-speaking countries, not a specific race.

Are Indians Asian?

Yes, Indians are Asian. India is in Asia and if born in India, they were born in Asia. Therefore, they are Asians. * * * * If you mean ethnic background, scientifically there are the three main ethnicities in the study of anthropology: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. North Indians belong to the Caucasoid classification along with Arabs and Europeans. Regardless of skin color, notice how Indians have the same facial features. They have the Caucasian noses, wavy hair, thin lips, etc. South Indians are Australoid which is similar to Caucasoid. In some northeastern parts there are Mongoloids. In the very southern tip, there are some Negroid looking people. The majority of Indians are Caucasoid and Australoid. * * * * India is indeed in Asia. People who are from India are therefore necessarily from Asia and, hence, Asian. * * * * No they are not. This is a common misconception people make. They conclude that since India is in Asia, Indians must be Asian, but people from South America are not South American by race. Indians are in fact Caucasian (which also includes Europeans [whites] Middle Easterners [Arabs] and Latinos). The only true part of Asia whose original inhabitants are Asian, are the far east countries like China, Japan, Thailand, etc. * * * * No Indians are not Asian by race, and Asian is in fact a race. Many people automatically think that everyone from Asia is Asian, while this is not actually true. Just because you are from South America is your race South American? No. Indians are Asian however, not by race, but by political status. * * * * Asian is NOT a race, it is a geographic term. The correct anthropogenic term is MONGOLOID, and not all of them are Asians (ex. Native Americans). Geographically, Indians are indeed Asians. However, they are not Mongoloid. They are Caucasoid.

How do you be Latino when your white?

To be Latino is to have a cultural background or heritage rooted in Latin America, regardless of race or skin color. Being white or having European ancestry does not negate someone's Latinx identity if they feel a connection to the culture, traditions, and language. It's important to respect and honor all aspects of your identity, and to recognize and challenge any privilege that may come with being white in a Latinx community.

What are three human races?

It is important to note that race is a social construct, not a biological one. However, commonly used categories include Caucasian (White), Mongoloid (Asian), and Negroid (Black).