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They were an ancient civilisation in South America. They were both farmer to make a living but in my opion they were fighters first as they are most famous for it defending themselves against the spainish but you might want to take into consideration they farmed mined and hunted to make a living

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Q: Were the incas fighters or farmers?
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How did the spanish win the battle against Aztecs and Incas?

its because the spanish had better armer than the incas and were better fighters.

What did the Incas do differently than the Aztecs and Mayas?

The Incas were farmers, the Aztecs and Mayans were more civilized than that

What are two ways Incas became successful farmers?

The Incas became successful farmers by developing advanced agricultural techniques such as terraced farming on mountain slopes to maximize arable land, and creating complex irrigation systems to distribute water effectively to their crops. They also utilized crop rotation and diverse crop varieties to sustain their agricultural productivity.

10 similarities of the Mayas Incas Aztecs?

-they all had human sacrifices -they were all polytheist (worship more than one god) -the Incas and Aztecs survival depended on the military -they were excellent farmers

What types of jobs the Iban people do?

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Were incas mainly hunter gatherers or farmers?

The Incas were primarily farmers, known for their advanced agricultural techniques such as terraced farming and irrigation systems. They cultivated crops like corn, potatoes, and quinoa in the Andes Mountains. Hunting and gathering were also part of their subsistence strategies, but agriculture was their main source of food production.

What was the class system of the Incas?

King Council(priest hood) often part of the royal family Nobles Merchants and artisans Commoners farmers/slaves

What was the job specialization of the incas?

The Incas had a well-organized system of job specialization. They assigned specific tasks to individuals based on their skills and abilities. Some common specialized jobs in the Inca Empire included farmers, craftsmen, soldiers, administrators, and religious leaders.

Who did the Incas interact with?

incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody

Did the incas to do anything special to farm?

Yes, the Incas were skilled farmers who used techniques such as terraced agriculture, crop rotation, and irrigation systems to farm successfully in the Andes Mountains. They also used guano (bird droppings) and llama manure as fertilizers to enhance soil fertility.

What did incas were?

The Incas were clothes

What were some jobs of the Incas?

The occupation of the ancient Incas was mostly farmers in a society that had three classes [castes] of citizens. The Upper class [Royal Nobility], Lower class [the farmesrs] and slaves. In the slaves there were included prisoners of war and those that they were slaves by birth [children born in captivity].