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Not really. Check out the Wikipedia link below on the history of how barbed wire was invented, patented and developed.

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Q: Were the inventors of barbed wire all farmers?
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Why was the invention of barbed wire in 1874 so important to farmers?

it is important becasue it kept in all the farm animals, And kept out all the intruders, It also deals with people that are in jail, And that need to stay in there,.These two examples go for todays time, And the Past times

Logo of amnesty international?

The logo shows a flame (candle) of hope behind barbed wire. The candle and barbed wire represents all the prisoners that Amnesty International has not been able to help. It also reminds the people of the old Chinese Saying: "Better to light a candle than curse the darkness"

How many people died from barbed wire in ww1?

about 1/5 of all the men involved in ww1 who died was killed by berbed wire(not being able to cross and get shot)

Is this a run one or a fragment barbed wire was inveted in Illinois it quickly became popular all over the US?

U didn't answer my question

Why did cattle ranching grow?

because of the railroads and the fresh grass in the Plains they moved all over US. Barbed wire and long winters were negatives.

The farmer was able to conquer the last frontiers in the West with the help of?

all of these (which includes labor-saving farm machines, well-drilling machines, and barbed wire.)

Does steel conduct an electric current as I want to set up electric fencing but there is barbed wire just underneath?

Steel, like all metal, conducts electricity. If you still want to mainain the barbed wire and use the same support poles then you need to insulate the electric fence from it. You can fit ceramic shackles on the support poles which will hold the live wires.

Effects of barbed wire on the frontier?

Before the invention of barbed wire, a rancher's cattle just went all over the land, and during roundup time, you had to go find them. Also, someone driving cattle could simply cut across a person's land in order to get to market. With the invention of barbed wire, roundups becanme easier, and "Line houses" were set up along the fences of some larger ranches, in order to make sure the cattle were in good health year round. The upside/downside (depending on who you ask) was that it kept cattle drivers from cutting across property, making them go aroound, thus lengthening their travel time.

What kind of fence is needed for cows?

Wooden fencing is the best kind, though it can be expensive! Electric fencing works, but they require lots of maintenance, and vinyl fences last the longest. If you're looking for cheap stuff, woven wire fencing is the best. Rope fences work as temporary fencing, though never for a permanent fence. AVOID BARBED WIRE, but if you must use it, replace all rusty wire, and constantly check it to make sure it is strung tight and not lying loose on the ground, where horse's can step on it.

Who were the Mayan warriors?


What new weapons helped make World War 1 the deadliest war ever?

Mustard Gas Machine Guns Barbed Wire Mines All these were the reasons WWI was such a disaster

Is a barbed wire cage match real or staged?

Yes, if you watched the Royal Rumble, then you would have seen when Teddy Long announced that there would be a barb wire steel cage match at No Way Out in February. Barbed wire matches are totally real.Infact many staes in USA have banned them ,Pa being one of them where WWE NO WAY OUT is scheduled to happen.It will be intersting to see how WWE goes on with the barbed wire event. AS far as these matches are concerned there cannot be any more brutal way to end a feud between 2 guys .This is one match where the winner and loser both sustain serious injuries. I have seen biceps being torn apart and jaws being broken & still the match continued.That torn bicep needed 100 stitches!!.There are moments when u can see even the refree covering his face coz he cant see anymore of the carnage ,when these wrestlers fight close to the audience ,the spectators get away coz lot of blood flies here and there. truth it happened at wwe no way out. all of the previous from the l;ast person is tru. it is not fake that is the only wwe/f match that is indeed real It wasn't actually a barbed wire cage match It happend at No Way Out a couple months ago the barbed wire steel cage match totally was real did you see all of j.b.l blood on the ring it would be cool if Kane faced taker in there Becuase of the last barbed wire match (Sabu vs. Terry Funk) they have been banned because of the dangerous magnitude of the match. In this match, Sabu needed 162 stiches, Terry Funk needed around 80, and both of them still finished the match somehow. Barbed wire cage matches have taken place all over the world, more notebly Japan and Puerto Rico. And as most American wresting fans know in WWE recently at No Way Out, that one was lame in comparison to others. Also the Funk/Sabu ECW barbed wire match wasn't the last match of it's type leading to national bannings. Combat Zone Wrestling has held several barbed wire matches after the Funk/Sabu match. Even including barbed wire in their recent Cage of Death Event('05) You mean rumble 06 because i watched royal rumble 06 he did't say one thing about it The rumble 05. Our promotion Dunbeg Championship Wrestling is running a show 'The Battle of Boomtown' this summer (23 July 2006) which will feature a barbed wire match. Check us out at