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Q: Were there ambulances or police cars in world war 2?
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Were there ambulances during World War I?

im pretty sure that there used to be feild ambulances durin world war 1 but not 100 percent...

Where there ambulances in the Civil War?

Was there ambulances in the civil war? why of corse there was in wa a wonderful wagon.

Did women in World War 2 drive ambulanses?

Yes, many women drove ambulances.

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Were cars invented after World War 2?

There were cars well before World War 2. Before World War 1 even.

Who were the SS police in World War 1?

The SS or Schutzstaffel developed AFTER World War I, so the question is inapt. In World War II, the SS police was a Nazi paramilitary police force.

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What is secret police in World War 2?

Germany's secret police were the "SS". 2nd world war Germany's secret police was " Gestapo " you can pronounce like gastapo.

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Of course. They had cars before the First World War.

What did the American women do to help during the world war 1?

Women made weapons, worked as nurses and clerks, and some even drove ambulances.

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Did they have cars in World War II?
