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There were a few disagreements since the bombs had been developed to drop on Germany. They were not built to be used on Japan. The American public however (not knowing about the atomic bombs) put up a huge protest to end the war. So the only way the Presidential Cabinet could see to end the war was to use the atomic bombs since the Japanese leaders were not about to surrender. It did work. The bombs motivated Emperor Hirohito to surrender despite the Japanese military desire to keep fighting.

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Q: Were there any disagreemants on whether or not to bomb japan?
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Did dropping the bomb end the war?

By draopping the bomb the US showed Japan that it will not tolerate any conditions

Was there any way to avoid dropping the bomb in japan?

Invade Japan at the cost of 2 million US soldiers.

Was there any evidence that Japan was going to surrender before the atomic bomb?

No, in fact they were preparing for an invasion of mainland Japan.

Did japan give up from the atomic bomb?

yes after we droped the a-bomb on heroshima they sayed that they didnt want any more trouble so they surendered

Were there Americans in Japan when the bomb was dropped?

No. I don't know if the US had Embassy personnel in Japan in WW2, but there were few if any US citizens in Japan in 1945 before the end of WW2.

Were the US and Japan in any kind of peace negotiations immediately prior to or during the dropping of the Atomic Bomb?


Is there any way of helping Japan after the atomic bomb?

The cities were rebuild in about 15 years with the cooperation of the United States.

Why did America bomb Nagaski?

Because the bombing of Hiroshima didn't end the war and the Japanese didn't surrender, because they thought that America only had one, so the U.S. decided to bomb another big city to show that they have multiple atomic bombs and they for bomb any city in Japan so after that Japan surrendered and the war ended.

Have they found any radiation in Japan?

Yes,there stil trace amounts of radiation even from the atomic bomb we droped in Hiroshimo in 1945

What did Germany do after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima?

After Japan declared war on the US, Germany did the same to show their support for japan.

Did Truman have any contact with the Japanese after the first bomb was dropped?

Before the bombs, Japan was contacting the Russians for help. In the time President Truman did not had contact with them.

Did the H Bombs on Japan in 1945 create any local Earthquakes?

The bomb itself shook the earth but it did not cause more natural earth quakes.