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Concentration camps were in areas Germany and controlled, mainly Germany and Poland.

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Q: Were there consintration camps set up all over the world or just Germany?
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Why did Hitler invent concentration camps?

he didn't, he just introduced them to Germany. It was to create social peace and combat terrorism.

Was slavery during world war 1 or world war 2?

By 1944 Nazi had 13 main concentration camps and over 500 satellite camps. The concentration camps were not just to murder people but also for free slave labor.

Were the Jews aware of the concentration camps?

Just about everyone in Germany and German-occupied countries was aware of concentration camps as punishment camps. (After all, Dachau had been opened in March 1933 amid considerable publicity). However, very few people knew about the extermination camps, which existed solely for the purpose of killing.

What did the Jews do that made the Germans lose the First World War which made the Germans build all those concentration camps which killed all those Jews?

the Jews did nothing wrong. its was just after the first world war and Germany was in a terrible state the NAZI party rose to power and Adolf Hitler blamed the Jews on the state of Germany. that is why the Germans built the concentration camps so they could make the Jews suffer how the Germans thought the Jews made their country suffer.

What were the systematic mass slaugter of European Jews in nazi concentration camps during World war II?

The Holocaust, but it was more wide-reaching than just in the concentration camps.

What city were Jews taken to death camps?

Just about every city on the planet. Given the category, I think you're talking about Auschwitz.

How do relocation camps and internment camps differ?

They really were much different Relocation Camps and Internment camps were the same thing just that relocation camps were the real camps and internment camps were where the Japanese Americans had to go before they made the relocation camps.

When did Ellie wiesel get sent to the concetration camps?

By 1942, the Germans had built 6 death camps. Some of theses death camps were Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and T.II. Some other Concentration camps were Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Treblinka, and Theresienstadt. These camps were forced work camps and not killing camps. The worst death camp out of them all was Auschwitz.

Why were the concentration camps be concentrated mostly in Germany?

They were really not concentrated in Germany. Ten of the twenty-three major concentration camps created by the Axis in World War Two were located in Poland, nine were in Germany and four were located in other countries. Answer 2 The Camps in Germany were built to hold Germans who spoke out of turn, and were reported to the Gestapo, sometimes by their own families, even their children. They were terrible places to be in, but not true death camps, at first anyway. Dachau, for example, was a so called, re-training camp, but many Germans died anyway, and others, had their spirits broken, and returned to their families, altered people. However, very soon, people died from beatings, starvation, or just because they gave up. And then they were a smaller version of the true death camps. Many became testing grounds for killing people, and if it worked, then it was used in the big death camps in Poland. There were in fact hundreds of camps in Germany. Some very small, others for special projects. Even being built near Factories to supply a free works force. Some of the well known names around today, and supplying things like washing machines, cars, and Iron smelters, were involved in this. One about today, built the Crematoriums used in the camps in Poland and other places.

How did the Nazis use antisemitism in World War 2?

They put Jews in camps where they where sent to die, just because they were Jewish.

How did czechslovakia go agaient Germany in world war 2 or did they even try to stand up to Germany?

It was actually just given to Germany prior to World War II as following a policy of appeasement.

Where are some refugee camps around the world?

Have a look at They've got a google maps app that shows the refugee camps. Its very impressive, just visited it for the first time and its shocking actually