

Were there major impacts on countries after Korean War?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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In other parts of Southeast Asia there was communist related violence: Maylasia, Indo-China (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam).

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Q: Were there major impacts on countries after Korean War?
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What does the word war mean?

A war that involves many of the major countries of the world in direct battle and impacts almost every country in the world.

Where there any major conflicts?

Yes, there have been major conflicts throughout history, such as World War I and II, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq War. These conflicts have had significant impacts on countries and societies around the world.

What major war came after the Korean War?

The next big war after the Korean War was the Vietnam War.

What democratic countries where involved in the Korean War?

See website: Korean War (there is a list)

Who was invoved in the Korean War?

See the website on the: Korean War. It will show a list of countries involved with the war.

What are the impacts of the Korean War?

South Korea has become a major economic power in Asia. North Korea remains isolated, impoverished and hostile. The US remains entrenched on the 38th paralell.

How did the Korean War affect nearby countries?

THe countries were worried but did nothing about it.

What was the major tension of the Korean War?

The cold war; communism.

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What was major difference between the Korean war and the vietnam war?

The Vietnam War ended in a close decisive communist victory while the Korean War did not