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We have no real proof that Methuselah ever lived, and it is understandable that one could be sceptical about the biblical story of his great age. For reference, The Bible story places his time around five thousand years ago.

The length of a year is controlled by the earth's orbit around the sun - one year means that the earth has made one orbit of the sun. The seasons are in turn dependent on the earth's orbit of the sun. If the earth moved closer to the sun, then an orbit of the sun, and therefore a year, could be completed in less than six months. But then, water would boil, lead would melt and the earth would be uninhabitable.

Clearly the length of an earth year could not have changed enough to explain the supposed life span of Methuselah. The explanation can best be found in Near Eastern myths that were somewhat similar to the stories in Genesis. They invariably had their myth heroes live long lives, sometimes more than five thousand years. By doing so, the myths were easier to remember and retell.

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Q: Were years measured in the same way as now when Methuselah lived?
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Methuselah. He lived for 969 years. He died in the same year of the great flood of Noah's time.

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Reading the bible literally, Noah's grandfather, Methuselah lived 969 years and died exactly the same year as the Flood. It would seem an unlikely coincidence, almost 1 in 969 for simplicity, that Methuselah died from an unrelated cause in exactly the same year as the Flood, so it should be assumed that he was one of those whom God intended to destroy.

What years in the bible did methuselah live?

The length of an Earth year is determined solely by the length of the Earth's orbit around the sun, which in turn is determined from our distance from the sun. Even over a timespan of millions of years, scientists have found no evidence for a significant change in the length of one year, nor for a significant change in the distance between the Earth and the sun. According to the Bible, Methuselah lived to the age of 969 years. That is implausible, but we could for example imagine that one year was once only one tenth of the years that we know. For the Earth's orbit to be so shortened as to make one year equivalent to one-tenth of the years that we know, the Earth would have been so close to the sun that water would have vapourised and even lead would have melted. This did not happen. We can be sure that if Methuselah really lived to such an improbable age, they were nine hundred and sixty nine full years.

How many people in the Bible lived to be 600 years old?

Well, the ones that are mentioned are the ones that are in the same important lineage: Adam > Seth > Enosh > Kenan > Mahalalel > Jared > Methuselah > Lamech > Noah. But all people who lived before the Great Flood lived over 600 years (except of course for those who were younger that died in the Flood). That's because the atmosphere was so much better before the Flood than after.

Who is the oldest man in the bible.?

The Bible says that Methuselah lived to the age of 969 years and then died the same year as Noah's Flood. This makes him the oldest person in the Bible, but many of the ages in the Book of Genesis are based on numerology, using the number 17. So, Methuselah supposedly had his first son at the age of 187, which is 11 X 17, then died at the age of 969, which is 57 X 17.

Who is the oldest man in the Bible?

The Bible says that Methuselah lived to the age of 969 years and then died the same year as Noah's Flood. This makes him the oldest person in the Bible, but many of the ages in the Book of Genesis are based on numerology, using the number 17. So, Methuselah supposedly had his first son at the age of 187, which is 11 X 17, then died at the age of 969, which is 57 X 17.

Was Methuselah a real live person?

A:The only information we have on Methuselah comes from the Bible, and the only thing the Bible really tells us is that he lived to be 969 years old. It is reasonable to say that Methuselah was not a real, historical person. He features in a pre-Flood narrative that scientists and historians say is purely legendary. We even find that the two most important events in his life occurred at ages that are multiples of the number 17, a special number in the numerology of the Book of Genesis. Methuselah had his first child at the age of 187, which is 11 X 17, and died at 969, which is 57 X 17. The statistical chance of the oldest person in the Bible having his first child at an exact multiple of 17 and then of dying at an exact multiple of 17 are somewhat remote, confirming that this part of the story arose out of the spiritual meaning of the number 17, not history.Another Answer:The Scripture simply states that Methuselah lived 969 years and he 'died.' He was not killed like the others in the flood, though his stated death was in the same year. Methuselah was from the line of 'Righteousness' that continued from Seth through Enoch to Methuselah to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the 12 tribes of Israel forward. It is highly unlikely God would of grouped him into the unrighteous He destroyed by the Flood though he dies in the same year.Additionally, the Jewish tradition of 'Rashi' a famous rabbi writing many commentaries suggested that Methuselah died a week before the flood so the family could have 7 days of mourning and burial. Then the flood. It is simply an unknown timeline but Methuselah is a real person mentioned in other Books of the Bible and in Jesus' genealogy back to Adam

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No. Methuselah was Noah's grandfather who died the same year of the flood, but before the flood came. Since everyone else on Earth descended from Noah, who descended from Methuselah, technically, King David was from the line of Methuselah.However, the Bible considers all righteous ancestors of the line of King David as beginning with Noah, after the Earth was cleansed by the Flood.If Methuselah was Noah's grandfather and from the great flood it was only Noah, his wife, and their 3 sons and their families that survived, then yes, David would be from the line of Methuselah.