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Q: Wh was the susannah dickinson ad what role did she play in the alamo conflict?
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What did Emily Dickinson play?

the piano

Which play is based on the life of Emily Dickinson?

The Belle of Amherst is the play based on the life of Emily Dickinson. this link talks about it...

Did Davey Crockett play the fiddle at the Alamo?


Which Dickinson play had Pip in it?

If, by chance, you meant "Dickens" instead of "Dickinson," and "novel" instead of "play," the answer would be Great Expectations.Otherwise I haven't a clue what you're talking about. The only literary Dickinson I can think of is Emily, and she wrote poetry, not plays.

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What NBA team play games in the Alamo dome?

the spurs

What tune did Santa Anna play at the Alamo?

The De Guello - the cutthroat song.

What character did Patrick Wayne play in the Alamo?

Captian James Butler Bonham

What role die john Wayne play in the Alamo?

He played Davy Crockett.

Did Billy Bob Thornton play the Fiddle in the movie the Alamo or was it dubbed in?

Billy Bob learned to play the violin for some scenes that required it.

Did Susanna York ever play belle in the Beauty and the Beast?

The late Susannah York never portrayed Belle in the musical productions nor in the films.

Can The world in conflict soviet assault be updated into the original world in conflict?

No, World in Conflict: Soviet Assault is an expansion to World in Conflict. You must buy World in Conflict to play it.