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Cranial cavity - serous membranes

dorsal cavity = the back

ventral cavity -

has the thoracic cavity which contains the lungs(parietal pleura and visceral pleura membranes) and the heart (parietal pericardium and visceral pericardium membranes), the abdominal cavity (parietal peritoneum and visceral peritoneum membranes) and the pelvic cavity which is also peritoneum membranes)

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Q: WhaT one of the major closed body cavities contains connective tissue membranes?
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Where in the body can you find epithelial tissue that is peculiar when compared to connective tissue?

Epithelial tissue is classified as a Primary Tissue (as opposed to connective, muscle, or nervous tissues), so it would be throughout the body. Many of the body's glands are made up of epithelial tissue.

What are the membranes in the body?

novanet.. Membrane: sheets of epithelial and connective tissues. There are 5 types of membranes: Cutaneous- forms the skin protects, heat regulation, elimination(waste such as oils and minerals) and enviromental info Mucous-lines all passageways that lead to the exterior of the boby(secrete a lubricant) Serous-lines closed cavities and the organs in them(cavity and lungs) Fibrous-lines all joint cavities(shoulder knee) and covers the outer surface of bones Fascia-2types..superficial (thin tought membrane that covers muscles beneath the dermis. deep (covers glands blood vessels and nerves and lies beneath the superficial fascia)

Which body cavity contains the pleural and pericardial cavities?

Pericardium contains Heart and Pleura contains pair of Lungs. Heart contract and relax at the rate of 72/minute.(In exercise, heart rate may go up to 180/minute.) Lungs are made up of totally elastic tissue, which will contract to very small size ball if not kept expanded. Which also contract and relax at the rate of 12 to 15/minute and may increase up to 60/minute. So both of them are enclosed in a closed cavity, having two layers. ( You have two pleura, one for each lung.) These closed cavities contain little amount of fluid to lubricate and minimize the friction, during movement of these organs.

What is in the ventral cavity?

The two main cavites are Thoracic (above the diaphragm) and the abdaminopelvic (below the diaphragm) Then those have cavieties in them the thoracic has the pleural cavities which there 2 of those one for each lung. then there is the the mediastinal cavity between the two peural cavities. then i believe the Mediastinal cavity contains the Pericardial cavity for the heart. sorry about the spelling. then the abdominopelvic is splitt into two sub cavities the abdominal and pelvic cavity. they may be more but those are the ones I know of The two main cavites are Thoracic (above the diaphragm) and the abdaminopelvic (below the diaphragm) Then those have cavieties in them the thoracic has the pleural cavities which there 2 of those one for each lung. then there is the the mediastinal cavity between the two peural cavities. then i believe the Mediastinal cavity contains the Pericardial cavity for the heart. sorry about the spelling. then the abdominopelvic is splitt into two sub cavities the abdominal and pelvic cavity. they may be more but those are the ones I know of

Why would a new pine grow from a cone that fell from a tree?

the closed cone contains seeds. the seeds will at some point be released. which then can grow into pines.

Related questions

What are the membranes that line the closed cavities?

These membranes are called serous membranes as they produce a thin slippery fluid.

Where in the body can you find epithelial tissue that is peculiar when compared to connective tissue?

Epithelial tissue is classified as a Primary Tissue (as opposed to connective, muscle, or nervous tissues), so it would be throughout the body. Many of the body's glands are made up of epithelial tissue.

What are the membranes in the body?

novanet.. Membrane: sheets of epithelial and connective tissues. There are 5 types of membranes: Cutaneous- forms the skin protects, heat regulation, elimination(waste such as oils and minerals) and enviromental info Mucous-lines all passageways that lead to the exterior of the boby(secrete a lubricant) Serous-lines closed cavities and the organs in them(cavity and lungs) Fibrous-lines all joint cavities(shoulder knee) and covers the outer surface of bones Fascia-2types..superficial (thin tought membrane that covers muscles beneath the dermis. deep (covers glands blood vessels and nerves and lies beneath the superficial fascia)

What epithelial membrane lines the closed ventral cavities of the body?

The serous membrane, specifically the parietal serosa, lines the closed ventral cavities of the body. Examples include the pleura in the thoracic cavity and the peritoneum in the abdominal cavity.

Which body cavity contains the pleural and pericardial cavities?

Pericardium contains Heart and Pleura contains pair of Lungs. Heart contract and relax at the rate of 72/minute.(In exercise, heart rate may go up to 180/minute.) Lungs are made up of totally elastic tissue, which will contract to very small size ball if not kept expanded. Which also contract and relax at the rate of 12 to 15/minute and may increase up to 60/minute. So both of them are enclosed in a closed cavity, having two layers. ( You have two pleura, one for each lung.) These closed cavities contain little amount of fluid to lubricate and minimize the friction, during movement of these organs.

What is a closed blood system?

Closed circulatory systems have the blood closed at all times within vessels of different size and wall thickness. In this type of system, blood is pumped by a heart through vessels, and does not normally fill body cavities.

What determines whether or not a substance can actively transported through the membranes?

Active transport can only occur at intact, closed membranes. Such membranes can envelop very different compartments, like the whole cell, vesicles, the vacuole, the mitochondrial matrix, the inner thylacoid space of the chloroplasts, etc.

What type of syllable is plight?

The word "plight" contains a closed syllable because it ends in a consonant sound.

What is in the ventral cavity?

The two main cavites are Thoracic (above the diaphragm) and the abdaminopelvic (below the diaphragm) Then those have cavieties in them the thoracic has the pleural cavities which there 2 of those one for each lung. then there is the the mediastinal cavity between the two peural cavities. then i believe the Mediastinal cavity contains the Pericardial cavity for the heart. sorry about the spelling. then the abdominopelvic is splitt into two sub cavities the abdominal and pelvic cavity. they may be more but those are the ones I know of The two main cavites are Thoracic (above the diaphragm) and the abdaminopelvic (below the diaphragm) Then those have cavieties in them the thoracic has the pleural cavities which there 2 of those one for each lung. then there is the the mediastinal cavity between the two peural cavities. then i believe the Mediastinal cavity contains the Pericardial cavity for the heart. sorry about the spelling. then the abdominopelvic is splitt into two sub cavities the abdominal and pelvic cavity. they may be more but those are the ones I know of

Is pump a closed or open syllable word?

The word "pump" contains a closed syllable. In a closed syllable, the vowel is followed by a consonant, which prevents it from being a long vowel sound.

Does the word blond contain a closed syllable?

Yes, the word "blond" contains a closed syllable. The "ond" portion of the word forms a closed syllable because it ends with a consonant sound.

What is the closed set in topology?

There are more than a way to define the closed set:A set is closed if and only if its complement is opened.A set is closed if it contains every limit or accumulation points, the points contained in the set S instead of themselves.