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This depends where you are located. In hotter countries i used 30 and got an amazing tan! But in places such as Canada and Cooler States i often only use a 15 and don't get nearly as great of a tan. If you want a hot tan for back to school, or even just to feel great about yourself; you might have to experiment with different SPF's and different brands. Yes, even brands will determine how much of a tan you get. If you have paler skin start with a 30 (or higher) and work your way down as you get more tanned. If you are darker skinned I would start with a 15, and see how you are from there.

Good luck, and hope this helped my soon to be gorgeously tanned friend.

(EDIT BY KABOB34: SPF 8 is good, as well as SPF 15.)

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Q: What's a good SPF sunscreen so that you wont burn but you can still get a good tan?
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