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Id say because methadone is just a legal substitute for H addicts to use and 90% of the clinics are privately owned and in feed off your addict... no reason anyone should be on methadone for more than 1-2 months and that includes the time it takes to wein down your doses to nothing. another thing is go to a addiction specialst doc to prescribe him sleeping pills he will 95% need for 1 - 3 months depending on how long he was using h and methadone for. i cant sleep after only snorting for 1.5 years buti knew how bad idea to use methadone or suboxone so also no grp therapy for me too, and im 27 days clean as i type. any w/d symthoms he feels after he really quite the addiction doctor will prescribe him good NON-addicting prescription medication to help his sleep, most important (cant expect to jus suffer our 4 hour nights 7 days a week for 1-3 months) as well as ant-axiety and other to cope with the bordem that your brain tells you cuz doing any H = no bordem in your house or work or w.e. so jus bordem and sleeping has the highest chance of relapse ccuz asv we heard people relapse at a high percentatage all the time and those are the 2 most popular reason they go back. get ouy of the methadone if htey told your som/daughter they need methadone fore 1-2 years minimuum.. they are crook who wan there money. even a suboxone spec. was open and said if u dneed just for like 4-5 days then ull be down. nooo Methadone please.. o ya people use all the time while on methadone because its just an opiate in drinking form so lots of addicts know they can keep doing it on methadone cuz sadldy it doesnt do 'anythibng' when he stops get him those meds that my addiction specialisdt said to use after 2 years snorting addictiom. best of luck

all I can tell you is that you are working hard your use has gone down ans that is a step in the right direction just slowly stop using, if you have an off day go on a run and when you want to be using instead of running you will stop and count to ten then sprint for as long as you can then slow down and breath deep you need to try this i works and if you really want to stop and get healthy you can do it this way. give it a go.


Im not sure that even after being clean for years there still wont be the moment here or there where u want to chuck it all and get high "one more time" just remember there is no such thing as doing it just once, not for an addict. My feeling though is that at times methadone can hurt more than it helps, you can get just as addicted to methadone as heroin and it can destroy your body as well. I recommend, detox, half-way houses, and sober houses, all three in that order. I tried everything else, it was the only thing that has stuck.


The above answers come with good intentions but are not quite accurate in regards to the affects of opiate addiction. Relapse is part of the recovery process and could occur at anytime. It is what you do after that matters.

Individuals must have a clear understanding of what opiate addiction entails. Opiate addiction high jacks the reward system and can cause long term damage particularly to Mu2 receptors . For this reason it is recognized as a disease. The use of medication may be necessary to quiet these receptors during the craving process. Contrary to what the above mentioned individual states, METHADONE is completely safe and does ZERO DAMAGE to the body. Sober living homes, residential programs, counseling alone may not be affective when dealing with a medical disease.

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Actually it is strongly discouraged.... Studies show that the use of anti-depressants, combined with Methadone usage severely increase the negative side effects of Methadone such as slowed breathing, respiratory failure, and death. I would recommend, although tedious, reading the entire medication information packet that comes with your prescription and you will find this info there. Or if you are obtaining Methadone Illegally, go to an informative website and read the medication interaction warnings. Be careful, and good luck.

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