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Miami to Seattle Alaska Airlines flight 17 2722 miles 6 hours 45 minutes

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Q: What's the longest nonstop flight in the continental United States?
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How many continental states are in the United States?

Do you mean " How many states are in the Continental United States?" If so, there are 48. The continental United States refers to the states that are connected by borders. Hawaii & Alaska are located away from the other states, therefore they aren't considered to be in the Continental United States.

What is the longest United States river?

The longest river in the United States is the Mississippi River.

Is the Continental Divide in the Eastern or western part of United States?

The Continental Divide is in the Western United States.

What is the longest mountain range in the United States?

The longest mountain range in the United States is the Rocky Mountains.

Why does the continental United States have four time zones?

Because the continental united states HAS four time zones.

How many miles of coastline does Florida?

The coastline of Florida is the longest of any state in the continental United States. It is about 1,350 miles, or 2,170 km.

How many states of US are not attached to its mainland?

There are two states that are not attached to the continental United States. Alaska (Postal Abbreviation: AK) is separated from the continental United States by Canada. Hawaii (HI) is separated from the continental United States by the Pacific Ocean.

What is the name of the longest mountain range in the United states?

The longest mountain range in the united states is the Rocky Mountains.

How many acres of land in the continental United States?

There is 2,428,213,120 acres of land in the continental United States (including water)

Which is the longest river in the US?

The longest river in the United States is the Mississippi

What is the relative location of Suriname to the United States?

Suriname's relative location is southeast of the continental United States. Both Suriname and the United States are in the northern and western hemispheres. Suriname is on the South American continent, and the continental United States on the North American continent. The two continents are connected by the Isthmus of Panama, which is north of Suriname and south of the continental United States.

What is the longest mountain range in the United State?

The longest mountain range in the United States is the Rocky Mountains.