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Q: What 1700th century explorers used the sextant?
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What is the sextant used for?

you use a sextant to navigate.

What are some of the tools that were used in 16th century?

some of the tools used for exploration were the mariners quadrent, sextant, octant, compass, astrolabe, chronometer, chart weights, and get off your lazy bum and get a job!

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What instrument is used to measure a the angle of a star?

A sextant.

What was Lewis and clarks most used weapons?

the sextant

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When was the sextant used?

Sextant, instrument for determining the angle between the horizon and a celestial body such as the Sun, the Moon, or a star, used in celestial navigation to determine latitude and longitude. ... The angular distance of the star above the horizon is then read from the graduated arc of the sextant

Who used the sextant?

Henry petersson used it aboard the KINLLY JUSIN . From wikepidia

What tools did he use on his journey?

He used a compass and a sextant on his expedition. :)

What device is used to measure the angle of the sun?

A sextant, possibly.

What is the difference between a 15th century caravel and a 20th century?

caravel is a small, highly maneuverable, two- or three-masted lateen-rigged ship, created by the Portuguese and used also by them and by the Spanish for long voyages of exploration from the 15th century. It's derived from the qarib used by Muslim Andalusian explorers in the 13th century.[2] caravel is a small, highly maneuverable, two- or three-masted lateen-rigged ship, created by the Portuguese and used also by them and by the Spanish for long voyages of exploration from the 15th century. It's derived from the qarib used by Muslim Andalusian explorers in the 13th century.[2] caravel is a small, highly maneuverable, two- or three-masted lateen-rigged ship, created by the Portuguese and used also by them and by the Spanish for long voyages of exploration from the 15th century. It's derived from the qarib used by Muslim Andalusian explorers in the 13th century.[2]