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The only mammals that reproduce by laying eggs are the monotremes, and these include just the echidna and the platypus.

The platypus and the short-beaked echidna are native to Australia. There are two species of echidna: the long-beaked echidna and the short beaked echidna, both of which are found in New Guinea.

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13y ago

More than two types of animals lay eggs but two examples are ducks and geese.

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Q: Which two mammals reproduce by laying eggs?
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What does lay eggs?

mammals Correction: There are two types of egg-laying mammals - the platypus and the echidna.

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No, the only two egg-laying mammals are the echidna and platypus.

What is lay eggs?

There are no egg-laying marsupials. There are, however, two types of mammals which are egg-laying, and they are known as monotremes. Platypuses and echidnas are both monotremes, the only known egg-laying mammals.

Are platypuses and echidnas the only two mammals that lay eggs?

Yes. Platypuses and echidnas are the only monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

What are two reptile-like characteristics in the platypus?

The only reptile-like characteristic which platypuses have is the fact that they reproduce by laying soft-shelled, leathery eggs (and not all reptiles lay eggs, either). Apart from that, these creatures fit all the characteristics of mammals.

What mammals don't lay eggs with shells?

There are two egg-laying mammals, and they both lay eggs with shells, but the shells are leathery, rather than hard shells, like birds' eggs. The platypus and the echidna are both egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. They are still classified as mammals because they feed their young on mothers' milk - a characteristic unique to mammals alone.

Are platypuses hatched from eggs or born alive?

Platypuses are hatched from eggs. They are one of just two species of egg-laying mammals.

Tropical oceans mammals that lay eggs?

There are no marine mammals which lay eggs. Apart from the monotremes (egg laying mammals), which include just the platypus and two species of echidnas, no mammals lay eggs. Therefore, all the mammals in the tropical ocean give birth to live young.

Are Mammals creatures that have babies not eggs?

As a general rule, yes. Mammals have live young. The exceptions to this are the two types of monotremes - platypuses and echidnas - which are egg-laying mammals.

Are birds the only mammals that lay eggs?

Birds are not mammals. They are in their own category, which is "Birds". The only two egg-laying mammals are the platypus and the echidna, which are classified as monotremes.

What Mammal lays eggs and flies?

Platypuses and echidnas are the only two egg-laying mammals. Neither of them flies.

What animal lays eggs but is not a mammal and it does not fly?

mammalAnimals that don't lay eggs are called Mammals, as they give live birth and have hairs. But, as Mother Nature can be contrary, the echidna and the platypus, though mammals, lay eggs!