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Julia Child (that's the only one I know of, sorry).

I've never heard of the omelette method or two chefs developing it but Julia child's principal collaborators were Simone Beck and Louise Bertholle.

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Q: What 2 chefs worked on developing the omelette method?
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nothing. Its up to the chefs personal choice, some establishments may have a dress code or rank system in place, but I have never worked in such a place in 20 years of cooking.

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No chefs usually work shifts and are salaried and therefore not paid per hour worked. You can work long hours especially during busy periods and will not be paid extra but may be entitled to a year end bonus.

Who invented the omelette?

Nobody could possibly say who invented the omelette. The word is French and came into French from Latin; the ancient Romans undoubtedly found their word for the dish on their travels, rather than inventing it themselves. Eggs have been cooked this way since before recorded history, from the thin, flat Asian version used as a wrapper for other foods or sliced into strips for stirfries or garnish, to the thick mix of eggs and vegetables cooked around the Mediterranean and further afield, to the fluffy creations of Provence and other parts of France. Master chefs such as the Frenchman August Escoffier (1846-1935) made an art form of the omelette and described this art beautifully in their writings but, while the great French chefs certainly brought the omelette forward as a sophisticated concept to the world, they cannot be said to have invented it. Like most if not all simple foods, the concept of the dish goes back to the first pans that were set on the first fires, and its origin can't be traced.

What is the work environment like in the kitchen of a restaurant?

While it has been almost 18 years since I worked in a restaurant, I can tell you that my last job in a resort kitchen was one of the worst places I have ever worked. I worked with pompous, arrogant chefs every night for 8 months. Quite unlike the fun times I had working at places like KFC and Pizza Hut, this place was poplulated with cooks, chefs and waiters who thought they were the best and their job was to make my life miserable. Avoid "chefs" at all costs. Even that long ago, Hell's Kitchen was alive and well in Scottsdale, AZ.

Are the trio wold-class chefs knowns as the chefs congress or the chefs conclave?

it is a conclave

Who is the head of food and beverage industry?

There is no single head . ( and if there were, you can guarantee endless squabbles ! - I can tell you've never worked in a commercial kitchen with 2 senior chefs )

Is there any light weight cooking pots and pans and where can they be purchased?

I've worked in restaurants for the last 5-6 years and the chefs/cooks have always used the Browne-Halco brand because they are durable and light. Chefs are pretty particular so I'm gonna have to trust their judgment. :)

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The best qualification to have in order to get a job as a chef is experience. If you have previously worked in a kitchen environment then you have a good chance at getting this kind of job.