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Q: What 2 countries struggled over the control of central Asia in the 1800's?
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European countries. Ireland Germany were the main still. they struggled with finding jobs and living conditions were awful. many had to live in tenements

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In the first half of the 1800s, the 3 groups that struggled to gain a political advantage in European societies were Spain, France, and England.

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There was no such thing in the 1800s.

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Germany and Italy. both had small states in control by more powerful countries. they unified and became countries of their own

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In the early 1800s, around mines & quarries.

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South American countries were not.

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Interaction with English settlers was not central to the life and culture of the plains Indians in the 1800s. This was because these settlers brought diseases that killed the natives.

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The Russian Tsars did in the 1800s.

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Central, east and west Africa