

What 2 discoveries Galileo make using a telescope?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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He discovered that Saturn has rings and he discovered Jupiter's four largest moons.

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Q: What 2 discoveries Galileo make using a telescope?
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Who use the telescope to make discoveries that supported heliocentric models?


Who was the first astronomer to make major discoveries using the telescope?

Probably Galileo Galilei (Astronomer and Physicist, 1564 -1642)

How might a telescope have helped Galileo to make new discoveries?

he was an astromometor he studied the stars so he would need the telescope to look at the stars

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What did Galileo use to make astronomical discoveries?

Galileo DID NOT discover Mars. Mars has always been visible from Earth to the unaided human eye and was known to and named by our ancient ancestors. Galileo is believed to be the first person to view Mars though a telescope in 1609.

How long did it take Galileo to make the first telescope?

How long did it take Galileo to make the first telescope?

What age was Galileo when he discovered the telescope?

Galileo wasn't the first to make a telescope but he discovered the telescope at the age of 46.

Who was first to look through a telescope?

The first person to look at the night sky with a telescope and record what he saw and try to make deductions from his observations was Galileo Galilei. Galileo had a difficult personality and he tried to assert that he was the only person allowed to make astronomical discoveries with a telescope, but, putting that aside, he was a serious scientist who made several important discoveries in physics.

The scientist who first used a telescope to make discoveries that supported the heliocentric model was?

Galileo Galilei . He only helped support the theory through his observations , he didn't invent the model, Copernicus did.

Which new technology enabled Galileo to make observations that supported the idea of a sun-centred solar system?

Why, the telescope, of course! Using his telescope, Galileo was able to make observations of the heavens in a way no one else was able to before.

What cause Galileo to invent a telescope?

His dad inspired him to make a telescope.