

What 2 factors can lead to speciation?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What 2 factors can lead to speciation?
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What are three events that lead to speciation?

Separation, Adaptation, Division

Natural selection can lead to the formation of a new species which is called?

The development of a new species through evolution is called speciation.

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-rapid speciation -sexual selection

What are three factors lead to speciation?

Genetic drift. MutationsNatural selection.Gene recombinationGene flow (immigration and emigration)

What are the types of isolation the can lead to speciation?

reproductive, behavioral, geographic, and temporal

Natural selection is the only mechanism of evolution that will lead to?

Adaptive change and speciation.

Speciation is the process by which new species are formed Which of the following circumstances is most likely to lead to speciation?

A population becomes separated by different environments and do not reproduce with one another.

What are three ways that can lead to speciation?

by natural selection, genetic drift and geographical isolation

What are three events that can lead to speciation?

Species (phylogenetically and genetically distinct animals from a common ancestor) form when barriers exist to prevent outbreeding. These are usually environmental (e.g. mountain ranges, oceans, climatic barriers) or biological (e.g. interbreeding of two species results in an infertile offspring).

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A meteor strikes Earth.

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