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Q: What 2 main tissues make up a plant root?
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What will happen to he roots if the tissues were damaged?

Since the root is the main organ of a plant, once one of its tissues were damaged, it will not just function properly but the plant will die.

What happen to the root if the tissues were damaged?

the root of the plant die .....?

What happened to the root if the tissues were damage?

the root of the plant die .....?

What part of the plant that is being removed would make the plant die?

the root is the main part of the plant if you take out the root the plant will die[mofokeng morapedi,mofokeng walker and mahlangu mosa]

What type of root does a bean plant have?

They contain tissues called xylem,which transports wáter,and phloem, which transports food.

How are tissues distributed in a plant root?

a mature root has an outside layer, the epidermis, and a central cylinder of vascular tissue.

What are the 3 main tissues of roots?

The Phleom,Xylem and the Root hairs.

The root of a plant that has only one main root is called?

A taproot

What is the first root of a young plant called?

The first root of a young plant is called the primaryroot.

What is the main purpose of a root?

The purpose of a root of a plant is to not only absorb water and nutrients for the plant but also to anchor the plant in soil.

Are the tissues of stem and root responsible for gaseous exchange?

Mainly they are not.Leaves do the main job

What is the main job of a root?

to hold the plant still