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Among them were the ability to mass produce steel, the invention of safe and efficient elevators, and the development of improved techniques for measuring and analyzing structural loads and stresses.

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Q: What 2 new forms of technology made the building of skyscrapers possible?
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How would you describe a skycraper?

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The two forms of technology are better devices and improved method.Better devices and improved methods.

What The two forms of technology are better devices and improved?


What are the two forms of technology?

Two forms of technology used today are computers and cell phones. The average household family of four might have 3 cell phones and 2 or more computer devices, depending on the age of the children.

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What type of technology saves people's lives?

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What are the effects of technology in the morality of youth nowadays?

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A type of molecule that forms the basic building block of protein?

The basic building blocks of proteins are amino acids.

What is a licensed technology?

Well I'm not sure what you mean by licensed technology. I think you mean a Information Technology (IT), or you mean an MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) In the end they are a computer technician and they are there to fix computers and other forms of technology.