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Equal trade rights for all in china and a guarantee of I dependence for china.

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Q: What 2 principles were included in the second open door note?
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Is this a sentence fragment on the front door was pinned a note?

'On the front door was pinned a note.' Is a complete sentence.

Write a Short note on Main principles of Generative grammar?

Noam Chomsky

What happens when you dont answer the door to a delivery man?

the delivery man will leave a note on your door.

How many minor seconds are there in a major second?

2. A minor second is a half step, or one note to the next. A major second is a whole step, or one note, skip a note.

What is the difference between a low note and a high note?

high note has high frequency (cycles per second) . Low note has low frequency. The sound originated by a high frequency note oscillates more times per second, while a low frequency note oscillates less times per second.

What is the second note on a piano?

You can call it different things depending on your need. The second note is the supertonic, the full step just above the tonic. The tonic names the scale. In solfege the second note is Re (recall the song from The Sound of Music: Doe, a deer, a female deer...) Also, the second note has a specific name if you name the tonic that the scale starts with. In the scale of C, the second note is D, for example.

Who was the Secretary of State who issued the Open Door Note?

Secretary of State John Jay issued the Open Door Note to propose the Open Door Policy in 1899 to deal with keeping China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis.

Is the phrygian scale the same as a minor scale except for the second note?

Yes; the second note of the phrygian scale is a half step from the first note rather than a whole step.

Who was the Secretary of state who wrote the Open Door Note?

William Woodville Rockham formulated the Open Door Policy. Secretary of State John Jay, in his Open Door Note, proposed the Open Door Policy in 1899 to deal with keeping China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis.

When checking in a load what must be done?

Check that what the consignment note says is included, is included. Or just sign for them with the comment contents not seen, or not examined.

What is the second note in London bridge for flute?

G Just the 2nd note?? Weird...

What the second space note on violin?
