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First off they promised more then two things, but two things off the top of my head would be: first off protection, Rome protected it's allies, often to nail and teeth if needed. Secondly, Rome provided it's allies special trade rights. Of course this all was quite minor (Rome was the clear winner in these alliances) until after the Social Wars.


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Q: What 2 things did Rome promise its allies if they fought for Rome?
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With whom did Rome fight the Punic Wars?

In the Punic Wars, Rome and its allies fought Carthage and its allies.

What happened during the second punic war?

Rome and Carthage and their allies fought. Rome won.

Who fought in the Third Punic War?

Rome and its allies versus Carthage.

What allies who fought in the punic Wars rebelled to gain the rights of trade with Rome?

The Spanish cities

How did ancient Rome get and use allies?

Allies were usually peoples who voluntarily entered alliance treaties with Rome. This could be because they lived close to Rome and were afraid of Rome's military might or because an alliance would be advantageous to them. The allies supplied troops which fought alongside the Roman legions. In some instances, peoples who lost wars against Rome were forced to become either allies or client states.

What major wars did Rome join?

Lets start at the beginning. 900ish B.C.: The Estrican War; Rome fought for its independence frome the Estucan kings. 600-300 B.C: Roman/Greek wars: Rome expelled Greecians from Italy and took the island of Sicily. 300-170 BC: The Punic Wars: Rome fought against the Carthegians. Rome won these wars. 300 B.c.- 400 A.D.: Rome fought in many small wars of conquest. 400-450: Rome fought the Barbarians and lost. 1000-1300: Rome fought in the Crusades as part of the Vatican Army. 1300-1912: Rome was involved in an unknown amount of wars. 1912- 1916: World War I: (I think Rome fought for the Nazi's I can't remember.) 1939- 1945: World War II: Rome fought for the Nazi's but once the allies occuppyied it Rome fought for the allies. 1945- 2008: None

What did allies have to supply the roman republic with?

What the allies gave to Rome depended on the terms of their treaties. The allies were independent kingdoms on Rome's border. Among the things they supplied to Rome was the overseeing of trade routes and supplying the Roman army with axillary troops.

Who were the allies of ancient Rome leaders?

Who were the allies of Ancient Rome?

Who were Rome's allies?

Rome's allies used to be France until they conqured them.

Where was the punic war fought?

The first Punic War was fought between Carthage, and Rome, the second was fought in Rome, and the third was fought in Carthage.

What twin brothers fought over rome?

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Who fought in ancient Rome?

In ancient Rome the men who fought were either the military or the gladiators.