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The skull offers anatomical protection to:

* The brain

* The air passages

* The main perceptional organs excluding the skin

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Q: What 2 things does the skull protects?
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What is the bone that protects the skull?

The skull is a bone. The skull protects the brain.

Which bone protects the brain?

The skull protects the brain.

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The skull protects the brain. The ribcage protects the lungs.

What bone protects the brain?

the bone that protects the brain is the skull.

Besides the brain what else does the skull protect?

Apart from the brain, the skull also protects

What internal organs do the skull protect?

The skull protects the brain.

Why is the skull necessary?

the skull is necessary because it protects your brain

What does the skull does for the human body?

The skull protects the brain from getting hurt

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Your skull

What is the skull job?

it protects your brain

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your skull

What protects the nerves of the brain?

the skull