

Best Answer

Germany had to pay for damanges the made during the war

the could not form any army of any kind

the could not make any nuclur weapons of any kind

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Q: What 3 decisions in the treaty of Versailles that hurt Germany and lead to the rise of the Nazi party?
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What were some of the policies and ideas of Germany?

nazi party, and the treaty of Versailles

The conditions of the treaty of Versailles impacted the rise of what government?

The Nazi party government in Germany in the 1930s

Why did Germany object the Treaty Of Versailles?

The Versailles treaty took away German territory, forced it to pay war reparations, and limited its military. Germans found the terms of the treaty insulting, particularly a section that forced Germany to admit it was the sole guilty party for the cause of World War One.

What major political party was born in Germany after world war 1 and what did the party believe?

The major political party that was born in Germany after WW-1 was the Nazi party. The Nazi party believed that the treaty of Versailles was unfair to the German people.

What treaty did the Nazi Party want to undo?

he died on mARCH the versailles treaty of WWI

To what extent was German anger at the Versailles Treaty the main factor that contributed the Nazi party's ultimate achievement of power in Germany in 1933?

The notion that the Treaty of Versailles was the main reason is widespread in 'pop' versions of history in the U.S. However, most historians regard the following as more important: * The effects of the Great Depression on Germany. * The lack of a broadly based conventional conservative party in Germany. * Deadlock in the German political system in 1932-1933.

Why did the unite states reject the treaty of Versailles?

USA did not reject treaty of Versailles. After the elections of 1918 US senate was controlled by Republican Party. However, even the party remained divided over Treaty of Versailles and it was not possible to gain two third majority in senate for ratification of the treaty. That is the reason why USA did not ratify the treaty despite being a pivotal force behind its passage.

What was tehe point of the Treaty of Versailles?

The Versailles Treaty would be signed in the city of Versailles during the peace conference after the Great War.The Treaty was not really a peace treaty. It was rather a document signifying how big of a victory the allies should claim.Germany lost the war and thus was subjected to the harsh conditions of the Treaty which meant loss of territory, power and resources.The treaty was a dumb move on the allies part. This treaty would bring about miseries in Germany leaving it vulnerable to radical parties like the Nazi party to take control.

Which German political part sought to overturn the Treaty of Versailles and to fight communism?

One of the goals of the Nazi Party was to overturn the Treaty of Versailles. In defiance of the treaty, they rebuilt the German military, re-occupied the Rhineland, and conquered territories that they had lost at the end of World War I.

What caused the rise of the Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party?

There are many causes for the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, but the most important cause was the resentment felt in Germany about WW I and about the Treaty of Versailles by which WW I was concluded.

Why were the Germans called nazi?

At the end of WW1 Hitler joined a group that shared his belief that Germany had to overturn the Treaty of Versailles. This group eventually called themselves the National Socialist German Workers' Party, called Nazi for short.AnswerJust an addon, not a correction. In Germany the party was called NSDAP, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. ___The nickname Nazi was and still is also used in Germany.

What is the nazi movement?

The National Socialist German Working Party, also known as the Nazi Party, was a movement that became the government of Germany under Adolph Hitler. It was founded in 1919 and promoted German nationalism, anti-Semitism, and rejected the Treaty of Versailles.