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Upper fibres of the trapezius, rhomboid minor and major and levator scapulae.

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Q: What 3 muscles extend the shoulder?
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What allows you to flex and extend your lower leg and upper arms?

flexing is tightening of your muscles, and joints bend to let you extend your arm from the elbow and shoulder

What muscle agonists antagonists and assisters are involved in shoulder extension and flexion?

The muscles located in the shoulder and move the arm are: the deltoid, teres major, and rotator cuff muscles. The deltoid muscle is like three muscles in one: the anterior fibers flex the shoulder, the lateral fibers abduct the arm, and the posterior fibers extend the shoulder. The rotator cuff muscles are the supraspinatus , infraspinatus , teres minor, and subscapularis . They can be remembered with the mnemonic SITS. The primary function of the rotator cuff muscles is holding the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity. They act more to assist the other muscles.

What is the difference between the shoulder joint and the shoulder girdle joint?

shoulder gridle is the shoulder complex it consist of 3 joints ie.sternoclavicular jt , acromioclavicular jt, and glenohumeral jt, in shoulder jt there is only glenohumeral jt is considered

Are shoulders muscles?

deltoids are the back shoulder muscles and trapezoids are the muscles around the shoulder/neck/back area

What muscles do shoulder press work?

The shoulder press works the upper body muscles such as the deltoids and the triceps. The shoulder press also involves the core muscles.

What do the shoulder muscles do?

the shoulder muscle extends the arm

Which muscles extend or straighten a body part?

Extensor muscles extend or straighten a body part.

What muscles extend the head?

Trapezius - depends on actice region and stateof other muscles; may (1) elevate, retract, depress or rotate scapula upward, (2) elevate clavicle, or (3) extend neck

Does the bicepts brachii flex or extend the leg?

Neither. The biceps brachii flex the elbow and supinates, or turns, the upper part of your arm. They are commonly referred to as just the biceps and are seen with flexing your arm with weights. To do this, you need to do a bicep curl, which is just bringing the weight to your shoulder, having the palm of your hand face your shoulder, pointing back. It is the muscles that lies on the inner part of the forearm and is usually the stronger than most other muscles in the arms. Hope this helps!

Why do you do streches in sport?

to stretch out your muscles. muscles like your leg muscles and shoulder muscles.

What two muscles are the shoulder adductors?

There are actually four muscles which make up the shoulder adductors. These muscles include the Pectoralis Major, Coracobrachialis, Latissimus Dorsi, and Teres Major.

Who has bigger shoulder muscles a swimmer or rugby player?

Well it depends between what swimmer and what rugby player as there are some swimmers with very big shoulder muscles and there are some with small shoulder muscles but viseversa there are some weak shoulder muscled rugby players and strong shoulder muscled rugby players..