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Q: What 3 rights does amendment 8 protect?
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How did women earn the right to vote?

by the Bill of Rights... amendment 8 i think

Did Benjamin Harrison make changes to the Constitution?

Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly Amendment 2 Right to bear arms Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers Amendment 4 Search and arrest Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People Amendment 10 States' rights

Which amendments guarantee fair legal treatment?

Amendment 5 (rights of accused persons), amendment 6 (right to a speedy, public trial), amendment 7 (trial by jury in civil cases), and amendment 8 (limits fines and punishments). Source: Bill of Rights and Amendments 1-10 Amendment 14 Source: Bill of Rights and Amendments 11-27

What amendment guarantees fair bail and punishment?

The 8th amendment of the Bill of Rights.

Does a company with 8 employees covered under equal rights amendment?

probably not.

What amendment establishes the constitutional rights to tax American employees and employeers?


What are the rest of the Constitutional amendments besides the Bill of Rights?

Bill of rights is the first 10: Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly Amendment 2 Right to bear arms Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers Amendment 4 Search and arrest Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People Amendment 10 States' rights And the rest of the amendments: Amendment 11 Lawsuits against states Amendment 12 Presidential elections Amendment 13 Abolition of slavery Amendment 14 Civil rights Amendment 15 Black suffrage Amendment 16 Income taxes Amendment 17 Senatorial elections Amendment 18 Prohibition of liquor Amendment 19 Women's suffrage Amendment 20 Terms of office Amendment 21 Repeal of Prohibition Amendment 22 Term Limits for the Presidency Amendment 23 Washington, D.C., suffrage Amendment 24 Abolition of poll taxes Amendment 25 Presidential succession Amendment 26 18-year-old suffrage Amendment 27 Congressional pay raises

What are the answers to the interpreting the bill of rights worksheet?

the answers to the one with the word search? yes! they are 1. press, religion, speech , petition, & assembly 2. trial 3. rights of accused people 4. the bill of rights 5. bail 6. private property 7. quatering

Protection of citizens who are brought to trial is guaranteed by WHAT?

Bill of Rights! (Amendment 5-8.)

What amendment protects rights to intellectual property?

Intellectual property is in the Constitution itself, in Article I, section 8, clause 8.

What was the goal or purpose of the Bill of Rights?

To explain the rights of citizens of the US -apex

Which amendment prevents excessive bail or fines or cruel unusual punishments?

8th amendment! (for all u cheaters on odyssey ware) LOL