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Q: What 3 things do plants use to make their own food?
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What are living things that can make their own food?


What are plants that make their own food called?

Plants that make their own food are called autotrophs, producers or primary producers.

What are example of things that make their own food?

Things that make their own food are called producers. Some examles are grass, trees,bushes;plants

What animal that can't make its own Food it has to eat things alive?

All animals eat other living things, either plants or other animals. The only living things that make their own food are plants.

What are three examples of things that make their own food?

Things that make their own food are called producers. Some examles are grass, trees,bushes;plants

Can fungi prepare their own food?

Fungi are unable to make their own food as their own food , as they live on dead matters. Eg:- They are decomposers. However plants can make their own food as they eat dead things

Does Chloroplasts occur in all living things?

No. It is present only in plants, since plants are the only living things that make their own food.

Any plants that do not make their own food?

All plants can make their own food, even those with leaves that are not green

Can roses make their own food?

Yes rose plants make their own food all green plants make their own food through photosynthesis

How does a Toadstool its own food?

it does not make its own food it feed on some other things like dust , dead animals and dead plants.

Living things that make its own food?

Living things capable of processing their own food are called Autotrophs. They are living things which contain chlorophyll. So, plants are the only autotrophs.

Why do all living living things depend on green plants for food?

All living things depend on green plants for food because they are producers. They are the only organisms that are able to make their own food.