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Q: What 3 things is a diagnosis based on in first aid?
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How do you use the words first aid in a senetnce?

The ambulance is filled with first aid things

What is pocket first aid guide?

Pocket first aid guide is when it is a small first aid "leaflet" which tells you main parts of first aid such as.... CPR BURN or other things. Please post on my wall for anymore questions.

Why is important to intsall first aid kits in vehicles?

So that you have basic first aid kit things incase of an emergency.

What are the categories of first aid kit?

They are usually based on size. Some are huge first aid kits, and some can be smaller, backpacking kits.

How do you administer first aid to a jack-o'-lantern?

Jack-O-Lanterns are not living things, so they do not need first aid.

What are the things in a first aid kit used for?

to clean wounds

Should children learn first aid?

They can certainly be taught some basic first aid, though what level may be based on their age and their abilities.

Aid awarded based on family income is what kind of aid?

Need-based Aid

How is poison ivy and poison oak diagnosed?

A diagnosis is made based on the symptoms and a physical examination of the patient. More, that diagnosis will be made in no small part to the chance of exposure to urushiol-bearing plants like Poison Icy, etc. If the patient has been out hiking in an area bearing such planes, this will aid the diagnosis. Likewise, if the user has not, that can help RO such a diagnosis.

What should not be in a first aid box?

The things that should NOT be in a first aid box are plasters, knives and you must always NOT take scissors.

What things are required in a first aid kit?

Nothing is required. They should have things like bandages and gloves.

What are the signs and symptoms that someone needs first aid?

Signs and symptoms that someone needs first aid vary greatly. If someone has fallen, pain somewhere in the body can mean that first aid is needed. If someone is laying on the floor and not responding, is bleeding from a cut, choking on food, or a host of other things, it is a sign that first aid is needed. First aid can be anything from putting a band aid on a minor cut to giving CPR. In order to know what first aid is needed for what sign or symptom, first aid training is available.