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Q: What 3 ways does karma influence life circumstances Hinduism?
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Did Hindu believe that people become in their next life depends on their karma in this life?

People of Hinduism believe that karma will pay his debts in next life. Hinduism believe in The Law of Cause and Effect (karma).

How is a new life viewed in Hinduism?

reincarnation and karma

Do the Hinduism believe in the afterlife?

yes, Hinduism does Believe in after life. Hinduism Believes in Reincarnation (punarjanma) and life death cycle, controlled by The Law of Cause and Effect (karma) .

The concept in Hinduism that states the action in this life one' s rebirth in the next life is?


What determines a person's form in their next life in Hinduism?

It depends on their karma from a past life. If they lived a good previous life, they will be reborn as something good. If they lived a bad or sinful life, they will be born into something less desirable.

bWhat factors determine your next form in life, according to Hinduism?

Karma. In short, your next life is determined by what you did with this life.

What is the goal of life for someone who believes in Hinduism?

i am a Hindu so i will purely answer this question KARMA THE goal in life is karma. What you do now will last forever. What you wil be in your next life is dependant on what you did today and tomrrow. What you are today is because of something you might've done in your past life. We are on the tree of karma as a brach and marraige, kids etc are leaves on the branch which make that tree of Hinduism so fresh nfjn..

What does reincarnation mean?

Reincarnation simply means return to life in a new body. As per Hinduism, after life exist. This after depends on your Karma. Karma is the earthly things that you do. If you have good Karma, you will get a better life after death and vice-verse.

What do Hindus believe According to Hinduism what are the consequences of good actions?

The belief of doing good action leading to a good after life and doing bad action leading to a bad after life is called karma. (the official word for after-life is reincarnation)

What is learned in Hinduism religion?

in Hinduism how to attain highest goals in life & how to reunite with God is learned. Also The Law of Cause and Effect (karma) & Reincarnation (punarjanma) theory.

What are your reflection in Hinduism?

I would say Hinduism is mainly reflecting real purpose of life. Also it reflects the The Law of Cause and Effect (karma) & Reincarnation (punarjanma) theory.

How do Buddhism and Hinduism emphasize compassion and non violence?

Both Buddhism & Hinduism Scriptures say that Compassion (dayā) & Non Violence are the key of geeting good karma. They also emphasize the meaning by stating that good karma means good after life.