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Q: What African nation borders the most other nations?
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Which South American nation borders the most nations?

Brazil borders ten other countries. It borders every other country in South America except Ecuador and Chile.

What is the capital of the west African nation that borders only one other country?

Bathhurst is the capital of Gambia which only borders Senegal.

What is a nation that rules several other nations?

A nation that rules over other nations, known as a dominant or conquering nation, is the founder of an empire of nations.

Where can you buy African children?

Hopefully you can't "Buy" a child from any nation. There are steps to adopt a child from other nations.

How many nations there are in Ireland?

Ireland IS a nation. There are no other nations in Ireland.

What is a nation overall plan for dealing with other nations?

A nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations is called its foreign policy. This policy is designed to protect the interests of the nation.

What is a nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations?

A nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations is called its foreign policy. This policy is designed to protect the interests of the nation.

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Greece is one nation. There is no other nation in it.

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Mexico is the bordering nation that is south of the US. However, other nations are also just south of the US, though not by land borders. For example, Cuba.

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