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The African plant known for its leaves being chewed as a stimulant is khat (Catha edulis). It contains a compound called cathinone which can produce effects similar to amphetamines when chewed.

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Q: What African plant has leaves chewed as a stimulant?
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Principal exports are coffee, qat (or khat, a flowering plant chewed for its stimulant properties), gold, leather products, livestock and oilseeds.

What is the meaning of the word Qat?

Qat is a flowering plant native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Its leaves contain a stimulant called cathinone which is chewed for its stimulating effects, similar to caffeine. Qat is popular in some regions for social and cultural reasons.

How do you save a Spider Plant when all the leaves have been chewed in half?

If the leaves were chewed by insects then first treat with a systemic insectide. Otherwise, prune any dead or broken pieces off, fertilize with osmocote or Miracle gro or whatever and remember, don't over water.

Can you give me a sentence for tobacco?

Tobacco is a plant in which the leaves are mainly smoked in pipes and cigarettes and consumed as chewing tobacco. It contains the stimulant nicotine.

What types of leaves are hairy?

African violets have "hairy" leaves and so does a plant commonly called Lambs Ear.

Does cocaine come from a plant or a tree?

Cocaine comes from the coca plant, which is native to South America. The leaves of the coca plant are processed to extract cocaine, which is a stimulant drug.

Does african violet reproduce asexually?

Yes, African violets can reproduce asexually through methods like leaf cuttings and division. Leaf cuttings involve cutting a healthy leaf from the plant and propagating it to grow new plants. Division involves separating the plant into smaller sections with roots to create new plants.

What causes trailing African violets leaves to curl?

It could be that either; the area your growing them in is too cold or maybe it's getting a draft on it. Sometimes if the plant is getting to much light or there might be a relection off the tray your plant is sitting in will cause curling of leaves.

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