

What Amelia Earhart like doing?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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flying planes

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Q: What Amelia Earhart like doing?
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What do you think Amelia Earhart would like to see?

Amelia Earhart want to see women doing thing like a boy do .

What did amelia Earhart enjoy doing?

Amelia Earhart was a tomboy when she was young and enjoyed doing boy type activities. As an adult Amelia liked to hike and play the banjo.

Amelia Earhart's impact on society?

Amelia Earhart showed that women could do everything men did, which many women were doing in that era.

Who is Amelia Earhart's family?

Amy Earhart Mureil Earhart Edward Earhart

Did Amelia Earhart act like a tomboy when she was a child?

Yes she act like a tomboy when she was a child because she like to do what boys doing.

What did Amelia Earhart like doing as a kid?

playing with yo dad. yos. AHA. jk.. look it up.

What were Amelia Earhart's parents like?

They were both very good to Amelia.

What did Amelia Earhart not like to do?

she didi not like to fly

Is Amelia Earhart single?

No, Amelia Earhart is not single.

Did Amelia Earhart like to wear hats?


How did Amelia Earhart dress?

like a pilot.

What is Amelia Earhart's full name?

Amelia Earhart's full name was Amelia Mary Earhart after her two grandmothers.