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Q: What Arab Palestinians religious factors?
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Are the Palestinians the Arabs Jews or Muslims?

Answer 1This is not a trichotomy. Arab is an ethnicity, Jew is an ethno-religious marker, and Islam is a religion. Therefore a person can (in theory) be an "Arab Jew", a "Jewish Arab", an "Arab Muslim", a "Muslim Arab", or a "formerly Jewish Muslim". (Whether or not these terms are used is something else.) In terms of the Palestinians, they are exclusively Arab, ethnically and the majority are Muslim, but there are some Arab Christian Palestinians, Arab Druze Palestinians (although most Druze identify as Israelis, Lebanese, or Syrians), and Arab Bahai'i Palestinians.Answer 2the people of Palestine are a variety of Muslims and Christians. They used to live in harmony with the Jews under the British State (there was never a Muslim state that exclusively ruled Palestine).As soon as the Jewish areas received independence and Statehood, discord and war broke out.

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Is it common for Israelis and Palestinians to marry with each other?

No. It is very rare, but the probability increases if you talking about Arab Israelis and Palestinians (as opposed to Jewish Israelis and Palestinians).

How did the armed conflict begin with the Palestinians and the Israelis?

It began with the religious conflicts where Palestinians were not ready for peace.

Are Hebrews and Palestinians the same?

No. "Hebrews" refer to the ancestors of today's Jews, and "Palestinians" refers to the modern day Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

What are some problems Israel faced right after independence?

Conflict with Arab nations and Palestinians

A major reason for this conflict was that Arab countries?

believed Israel was created on lands belonging to Palestinians.

How did the Arab-Palestinian conflict begin?

The Arab-Palestinian Conflict began with the flight of Palestinians from Mandatory Palestine into the surrounding Arab countries where they were waylaid and mistreated from 1947 to the present. The Arab countries made every effort possible to avoid integrating, settling, helping the Palestinian refugees in their moment of crisis. Instead they immediately built refugee camps from which the Palestinians would never be able to leave.

How do the Jews and Palestinians resolve their cultural conflict?

There is no cultural conflict between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs (who are mostly ethnic-Palestinians) who live in Israel. There are religious and historical differences and certainly political disagreements, but there is no cultural conflict. The same could have been said of the Jewish communities in tolerant Muslim States, such as Umayyad Spain, Abbassid Baghdad, and Pahlavi Iran. This shows that the cultural conflict is not between Jews and Arabs (although Iran is not Arab) but between the types of government styles they wish to set up. The Jewish State is democratic and non-religious. Arab governments are by and large autocratic and partially theocratic (or based on religious values). The conflict between Arab States and Israel has not yet been resolved.

Who is the leader of the Palestinians in the Arab-Israeli Conflict?

Currently, the Palestinians are not united. The leader of Fatah in the West Bank is Mahmood Abbas. The leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip is Ismail Haniyeh.

Should the Arab Palestinians have their own nation?

As this is a "should" question, there are many viable views that can exist.Answer 1No they should not.Answer 2The Palestinians are a stateless people who deserve all the rights and freedoms that citizenship would confer on them. As Israel is not interested (for very reasonable reasons) on allowing all Palestinians to return to its sovereign territories and the surrounding Arab nations have treated the Palestinians barbarically, with the small exception of Jordan, it makes sense for the Palestinians to have their own country. The question then becomes one of borders.

When was Religious News Service from the Arab World created?

Religious News Service from the Arab World was created in 1997.