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In the beginnings of human civilization, people were focused on pretty narrow things, and astronomy - in fact, the studies of the heavens in any way - was probably mostly ignored. When the challenge is to find food and water, you'll spend most of your time looking down, not up.

But the very word "civilization" comes from the Latin word "civitas" for "city", and by the time our ancient ancestors were ready to build cities, they needed something else. Catching game animals is all well and good, but growing plants - any sort of formal agriculture - requires reference to a calendar. When to sow the fields, when to harvest the crops; that sort of basic stuff.

Astronomy provides the calendar. Primarily in the form of the lunar cycle of the phases of the Moon from new to full to new again, but also in terms of the solar year - when can we expect the rains to come, when will it be hot again, when will it be cold again? Any study of the seasons leads us directly into astronomy.

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Q: What Astronomy contributions did make to civilization?
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