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Q: What Beryllium of electrons gained or lost to fill outer energy level?
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How many electrons do beryllium and magnesium have in there outer energy levels?

Beryllium and magnesium have two electrons in their outermost energy level, as do all Group 2 elements.

Which atom does not need 8 electrons in it outer energy level to be stable?

hydrogen, helium, lithium, and beryllium

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What are valances?

They are electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom. They are the electrons that are either shared, lost, or gained in the proccess of forming chemical compounds

Which two atoms will have their outer energy level filled with 2 electrons?

There are more than two such atoms. Perhaps there was a list of atoms you had to chose from. Anyway, two such atoms are beryllium and magnesium.

What is an alkaline earth metal with 2 electrons in the 2nd level?

beryllium (Be)

What is the highest occupied energy level of Beryllium?


Ion electron configuration for beryllium?

Group 2 = 2 valance electons. Row 2 = Second energy level. = 1s2, 2s2. Confirm this with Beryllium being the fourth element and having four electrons - check.

What element is an alkaline earth metal with 2 electrons in the 2 level?

beryllium (Be)

How many electrons are in the outermost energy level of carbon and how many does it need to have this energy level filled?

Carbon has four electrons in the outermost energy level, which is energy level two. It needs eight electrons to have this energy level filled.

An unknown element in group 2 has a total number of 12 electrons and two electrons in its outer level. what is it?


What is the highest occupied energy level in the element Beryllium?
