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Helicobacter pylori antibodies test

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Q: What Blood test is used to find a possible cause of duodenal ulcers?
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What is a pain that moves from your back to your side?

A nuisance! Cause could be many things from kidney stones to duodenal ulcers. If it persists, have it checked out.

Can a duodenal stricture cause ischemic colitis?

No, duodenal stricture cannot cause ischaemia colitis. Duodenal stricture is caused by ulceration, scarring and fibrosis whereas ischaemic colitis is caused by compromised blood supply to the colon.

What is H. pylori?

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives in the mucous tissues that line the digestive tract. Infection with H. pylori is the most common cause of duodenal ulcers.

Is ricebran oil causes mouth ulcer or acidity?

Bacterial infection is the most common cause of duodenal ulcers, or reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus, which connects the mouth and the stomach.

What is the cause of helicobacter pylori disease?

There is no disease called as helicobacter disease. Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with peptic ulcers. Means both gastric or duodenal ulcers. This infection can be cured by course of antibiotics.

What is the use of peptic?

Peptic ulcers occur in the stomach - gastric ulcers - and the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) - duodenal ulcers. They result from an imbalance between the amount of acid in your stomach and its protective lining.In the past it was believed that ulcers were caused by stress, poor eating habits, too much rich, fatty food or spicy food, alcohol or caffeine. However, it is now known that most peptic ulcers are caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium (also known asH. pylori). This is particularly true of duodenal ulcers.The cause of most other peptic ulcers is the regular use of medicines such as aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), which are often used to treat the symptoms of arthritis.

Does lack of sleep cause ulcers?

Lack of sleep can be the cause of many things including ulcers. They have been known to cause both gastric ulcers and mouth ulcers.

Will Paxil cause ulcers in the stomach?

does paxil medicine cause stomach ulcers?

Which NSAID is most likely to cause ulcers?

Aspirin is the NSAID that is most likely to cause ulcers.

Is blood clots in brain occurs due to high bp?

Hypertension is a disease of blood tubes, called vessels,. They cause inner layer of blood vessel damage. These ulcers cause , sludging of blood flow, and the lnormal laminated flow of blood called Haemorheology gets affected. In this process, wHITE BLOOD CELLS, gets deposited in these ulcers, in the mesh of fibrin thread, which forms and hearlds the clot formation. Most of them are atheromatous ulcers, supported or promoted by hypertension. Apart from this, hypertension results in hemorrhage also inside the brain due to rupture of the vessels.

Peptic ulcers are NOT associated with smokers?

Smoking does not cause ulcer formation, but it does cause gastritis, and does cause delayed healing of ulcers.

Can heavy drinking cause blood in you stools?

Directly no - but indirectly yes. Many drinkers suffer from ulcers that will bleed when drinking.