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Q: What Canadian regiments were stationed in worthing in World War 2?
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What were the regiments in the World War 1?

they were my friends rlc and rifles and ctb

What were the Canadian Army units stationed in Surrey England during World War 2?

There were considerable units around Crowborough, Sussex., I was based at one camp West Camp Crowborough 1952-55 that had been a Canadian base in 1943-44. There were still assault courses and equipment there in 1952.

Were any American soldiers stationed in the South-East London area during World War 2?

During World War 2 there were, and still are, soldiers stationed all over Europe. It is possible, though not confirmed, that there were American soldiers stationed in South-East London during World War 2.

How many Japanese soldiers were stationed at Nagasaki at the time of the bombing in World War 2?

There were abpout 40,000 military personnel stationed in the city.

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Where was general George s Patton stationed during world war 2?

General Patton was stationed in many places during the war but his most valuable role was stationed in Africa chasing the Infamous Desert Fox, Rommel.

Was it possible for an US infantryman from Louisiana to be stationed in Scotland during World War 2?

Absolutely yes. During World War 2, American servicemen were stationed all over the UK as they trained for D-Day.

Where were Navajo code talkers stationed?

The navajo were stationed in 29 nine palms for a while then were transported to the san diego marine corp base during world war two.urah

Where were the American soldiers stationed during World War 1?

Fort Moultrie Fort Chatanuga Fort Hillsworth

In which city are the headguarters of the world?

there is no such thing although the United nations is stationed in New york