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Q: What Composer adapted the Italian Madrigal?
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Related questions

How does the English madrigal differ from the Italian madrigal?

The Italian madrigal led to the development of the English madrigal, but the main difference is the language

What is 'madrigal' when translated from English to French and Italian?

"Madrigal" in English is madrigal in French and madrigale in Italian.

Who is known as the last great madrigal composer and the first great opera composer?

Claudio Monteverdi

What is the difference between an English and an Italian madrigal?

An English madrigal is typically lighter in style than an Italian madrigal, often focusing on pastoral themes and word painting. Italian madrigals are more complex harmonically and emotionally expressive, with a greater emphasis on textural and chromatic experimentation. Additionally, English madrigals are more likely to feature simple, syllabic word setting compared to the more elaborate word painting found in Italian madrigals.

Who is the Italian composer whose name begins with A?

Alessandro Scarlatti was an Italian composer famous for his operas. Antonio Vivaldi was a famous Italian Baroque composer who was known for his violin concertos.

Was Rossini an Italian composer?

After 10 seconds of google-ing I found your answer... ... yes, Rossini was an Italian composer.

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The Italian composer Verdi was the inspiration of Italian nationalism.

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Was thomas weelkes an Italian composer?

No; he was English.