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In order to know which of these reasons was NOT a basis for the Anti-federalists opposition to the new constitution one would need to know the choices for answers.

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Q: What Constitution was not one of the reasons the anti federalist opposed the new constitution?
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Did the Federalist Papers persuade the people of New York?

The Federalist papers are one of the reasons the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The main purpose of the Federalist Papers was to explain what the Constitution meant and to fight the Anti-Federalists propaganda.

The anti federalists opposed the new constitution for all of these reasons except?

It contained a bill of rights

Why did the anitifederalist hate the constitution?

It depends on who you are talking about. An anti-federalist just didn't support the constitution. Each person considered an anti-federalist disliked the constitution for their own reasons. Most people believed the constitution would allow the federal government to become too powerful. Which is why some states refused to support the constitution with out the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights (just for your information) was the part of the constitution that stated the people's natural, "God given rights", that the government could not take away.

What does a constitution's preamble do?

States the reasons for the constitution.

What were anti federalists reasons for opposing ratification?

The answer to this question is this.... They opposed having such a strong central government and thus were against the Constitution.

The Anti-Federalists opposed the new Constitution for all of these reasons except?

it contained a bill of rights (also the right answer for A+LS)

What is the written in the preamble to the constitution?

A list of reasons why the Constitution was written -apex

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He felt that the Constitution did not authorize the government to create a bank.

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How many reason are giving for the constitution

What is one of the reasons that people like thomas Jefferson opposed the creation of the bank?

The Constitution did not specifically grant the government the power to create the bank.

Why did the anti federalist dislike the proposed constitution-?

The Anti-Federalists disliked the proposed Constitution because they thought it created a federal government with too much power. The inclusion of a Bill of Rights was a compromise to ease their concerns.

Why were the anti-Federalists founded?

The Anti-Federalists were a coalition of politicians prominent in state politics who unsuccessfully opposed the strong central government and opposed the ratification of the Constitution. Their reasons included that the strong national government proposed by the Federalists was a threat to the rights of individuals and the fear of reverting to monarchical rule. The Anti-Federalist movement led to adding a Bill of Rights.